San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer

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San Antonio Negligent Security Attorney

After an attack, burglary or physical assault, you may be able to hold more than just the perpetrator liable for your injuries and losses. The owner of the property where the crime occurred might also owe you compensation for negligently failing to prevent a foreseeable attack. The premises liability lawyers at The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. can help you with this type of case, a negligent security claim, in Texas. Contact us for a free case evaluation in San Antonio.

Why Use Our Attorneys?

  • We will answer your questions honestly and completely during a free initial consultation.
  • We have years of experience handling premises liability cases on behalf of clients.
  • We know how to obtain maximum compensation for clients with serious injuries.
  • We have a track record of success driven by our highly motivated lead attorney.
  • We handle all negligent security cases in San Antonio on a contingency fee basis.

What Is Negligent Security?

Negligent security describes a lesser amount of security than is reasonable and prudent for a location based on the area’s prior criminal activity and the foreseeable risk of future crimes. The actions a property owner in San Antonio must take to provide adequate security depend on what a reasonable and prudent person would do in the same situation. If an investigation confirms that someone else would have done more to prevent the attack, the property owner may be liable for your damages. Implementing certain security measures, on the other hand, could protect a property owner from liability for an attack.

  • Access control for the building
  • Security gates and fences
  • Vehicle barriers
  • Security staff members
  • Replaced locks
  • Signs that say No Trespassing
  • Bright lights in parking lots
  • Alarm or security systems
  • Motion-activated lights
  • Surveillance cameras

A property owner in San Antonio may be liable for the crime that injured you or damaged your property if someone else in his or her position would have done a better job at keeping the area secure. If someone assaulted you outside of a bar in San Antonio, for example, you may have grounds for a claim against the bar for negligently failing to light the property, install cameras or hire security guards. A lawyer from The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. can review your case to determine if a property owner could be liable for your injuries.

Can You Still Bring a Case Against Your Attacker?

Holding a property owner responsible for negligent security does not take away your ability to file a separate civil claim against the person who attacked or injured you. It simply provides a second means of financial compensation for your damages. This can be important for a case involving criminal activity, as the police may not have the suspect in custody. If you are unable to hold the perpetrator accountable, a negligent security case could be an alternate means of collecting financial compensation for your losses.

What Damages Are Available?

If you or a premises liability lawyer can prove that a reasonable property owner would have had better judgment in keeping the premises secure, you could recover compensation from that party’s insurance provider. A settlement or jury verdict could give you money for losses such as medical bills and property repairs or replacement. It could also compensate you for noneconomic losses such as mental anguish, emotional distress and post-traumatic stress disorder. A successful case could give you the compensation you need to finally move forward from an attack with financial stability and peace of mind.

Contact Our Negligent Security Lawyers Today

If you were the victim of any type of crime while on someone else’s property or living in a rented home in San Antonio, contact our local lawyers for a free consultation about your rights. We will not charge you any attorney’s fees or court costs unless we recover financial compensation on your behalf. Discuss your situation in more detail with Attorney Aaron A. Herbert today. Call (210) 435-7968 to schedule your initial case review.

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Our Location

The Law Firm of
Aaron A. Herbert P.C.

8330 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy #700,
Dallas, TX 75243

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