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Plano, TX Crash Accident Reports: How to Get Your Copy

After a car accident, you must ensure your insurance claim gets processed promptly and efficiently.

Getting an accident report to your insurance company as soon as possible is a simple and necessary step in the right direction.

However, the process of getting your copy depends on where you live.

To get an accident report in Plano, follow the steps below.

Do I Need a Plano Accident Report?

Plano police accident reports provide an official and detailed description of what occurred during an accident.

In many jurisdictions, like Plano, accident reports are required when injuries, major damage, or extenuating circumstances are involved.

In Texas, a police accident report must be prepared if anyone was injured or died in the accident or if there appears to be $1,000 or more worth of damage to someone’s property.

You’re almost always required to report any traffic accident to your car insurance company, regardless of whether you claim coverage. You can report the accident or file an insurance claim without a police report.

However, having one can speed up the process and help prove the legitimacy of the accident.

Where to Find an Accident Report in Plano

Plano police incident reports are held online by the Plano Police Department on the Traffic Crash Records page.

Due to their confidential nature, a Plano, TX, police report is not available for online viewing by the general public. 

To access Plano traffic accident reports, you must enter the report number or supply information in at least two of the three blue fields in the search engine. Your name and involvement type are also required.

If your search returns any results, the screen will display a list of matching reports, and you can then select the report you wish to pay for and download. Search fields are not case-sensitive and will look for partial matches.

Reports are only available online for accidents that occurred within approximately the last two years. Older reports are available by contacting the Plano PD Records Department.

It can take up to 10 business days before reports are processed and available for download. Reports are available online for six dollars each.

What’s Included in a Plano Accident Report?

Accident reports must include important information like the cause of the accident and the conditions of the persons and vehicles involved in the accident.  

Additionally, the police department prepares a report when requested by other police departments, coroners, sheriffs, garages, and other suitable agencies or individuals.

The accident report will have various abbreviations and codes that may not be easy to understand.

Fortunately, the Plano police department provides a copy of the codesheet to help you decipher any confusing parts of the report. You can find the code sheet here.

The Law Office of Aaron Herbert Can Help You 

If you still have questions regarding the accident report process—like where to request one or whether you need one—you may need to speak with an attorney.

An experienced attorney will help guide you through the insurance claims process and fight for your best interests.

For an experienced advocate who knows how to protect your rights after a car accident, contact the Law Office of Aaron Herbert today.

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The Law Firm of
Aaron A. Herbert P.C.

8330 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy #700,
Dallas, TX 75243

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