San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer

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San Antonio Child Injuries Attorney

Children are the most vulnerable population. Children can suffer life-threatening personal injuries in motor vehicle accidents, abusive situations and other dangerous circumstances. At The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., we are passionate about protecting children in San Antonio. We serve our community by representing families on behalf of children who are injured due to preventable accidents and intentional abuse. Find out how we can help your family today. Call (210) 435-7968 for a free consultation.

What Makes Clients Choose Us?

  • We have everything you need to bring a child injury claim, including legal technologies, resources and experienced attorneys.
  • We have a board-certified trial attorney who is not afraid to take schools, daycare centers and other defendants to court for maximum compensation.
  • We do not charge parents upfront for our legal services. You will never have to pay us out of your pocket for the work we do on your child injury case.

When to Call an Attorney

Injuries to children can be catastrophic. Children can end up with permanent disabilities, scarring, disfigurement and severe emotional distress from traumatic incidents. Hiring an attorney to represent your family during a child injury claim in Texas can help you hold a party responsible for your child’s significant losses. If the insurance company is offering a lowball settlement, a lawyer can negotiate for a higher amount on your behalf. Your lawyer can take the case to trial for you while you concentrate on your child’s wellbeing.

Common Risks to Child Safety in San Antonio, Texas

Many different accidents can cause devastating child injuries in San Antonio. Children are at risk of life-changing injuries in dangerous situations, such as places where adults are negligent or abusive. The lawyers at The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. can help families after any type of accident that ends in a child injury or wrongful death. We have experience with all the most common accident types.
  • Dangerous premises
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Lack of adult supervision
  • Dog attacks
  • Daycare neglect and abuse
  • Sexual assault
  • School and field trip injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • School bus accidents
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • ATV accidents
  • Bicycle and pedestrian accidents
  • Defective products
  • Medical malpractice
Whether negligent supervision, a careless property owner, a defective children’s toy or a criminal injured your child, we can help you demand justice and compensation in San Antonio. Our lawyers have experience handling cases involving broken bones, muscle and tissue injuries, severe lacerations, burn injuries, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, birth injuries, and other child injuries. Contact us for a more detailed overview of how we can handle your specific case.

Do You Have the Elements of a Lawsuit?

Not all injuries to children give parents the right to file civil lawsuits in Texas. The civil justice system requires most plaintiffs to establish certain elements as more likely to be true than not true. These elements are that someone owed your child a specific duty of care, breached this duty of care (was negligent) and caused your child’s injuries. You or your personal injury lawyer must also prove that your child suffered compensable damages because of the defendant’s negligence, such as physical injuries, emotional distress or lost quality of life. These are the basic elements of a standard child injury claim. Some types of lawsuits, however, such as strict product liability lawsuits, do not require proof of negligence. Speak to an attorney for the facts about your unique case.

Contact Us Today | Free Consultations in San Antonio

It is normal to not fully understand the civil justice system or how you can put it to use to achieve justice for your injured child. The average parent does not have experience pursuing compensation for a serious child injury. That is why The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. represents families on a contingency fee basis, with no legal fees upfront. We care about protecting the rights of injured children in San Antonio. Contact us today to request a free evaluation of your child injury case.