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Frisco Dog Bite Lawyer

Dog bite injuries can impose both physical and emotional injuries on a victim. The physical effects can be great, including traumatic scarring and permanent disfigurement. The emotional ramifications could also be considerable, such as post-traumatic stress disorder or a lifelong fear of dogs. If you or someone you love has injuries from an animal attack, contact the Frisco dog bite attorneys at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free legal consultation. The dog owner may be responsible for covering your damages.

Why Choose Us?

  • We are passionate about helping victims of traumatic incidents in Frisco, including severe dog attacks.
  • We have an exclusive focus on personal injury law, giving us greater depth and insight into this practice area for our clients.
  • We are not afraid to take pet owners and their insurance companies to trial in Collin County, Texas if it is necessary for full compensation.
  • We do not charge upfront to represent clients during Frisco dog bite injury claims. You will only pay for our attorneys’ services if we win your case.

What Does a Frisco Dog Bite Lawyer Do?

It is important to hold the owner of a dangerous dog accountable for his or her negligence after an attack. Filing a claim could not only reimburse you for your individual damages but also force the pet owner to change his or her habits to prevent future dog attacks. The best way to improve the chances of succeeding during a Frisco dog bite injury claim is to hire an attorney. A dog bite injury lawyer will fully understand Texas’ dog bite laws and how to navigate them on your behalf. Your lawyer can argue for full compensation while you concentrate on healing from your serious injuries.

Common Dog Bite Injuries

When a dog attacks, the wounds it inflicts can be catastrophic. Catastrophic injuries permanently affect a victim, such as scarring and disfigurement. If a person survives a dog attack, he or she may never be the same physically or emotionally. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., we are passionate about obtaining justice for those with serious dog bite injuries of all types.

  • Puncture wounds
  • Lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Contusions
  • Crush injuries
  • Facial injuries
  • Infections
  • Wrongful death

If you or someone you love has serious injuries from a dog attack in Frisco, Texas, please contact us for a free overview of your claim. We can assess what happened, search for signs of liability and help you fight for fair compensation for your temporary or permanent losses.

Is the Dog Owner Liable Under Texas’ Dog Bite Law?

Different states handle dog bite claims in different ways according to their related statutes. Although Texas does not have a specific dog bite statute, previous cases have set a precedent that the state uses a one-bite rule during personal injury claims related to dog attacks. A one-bite rule centers on the legal theory of negligence. 

It states that a pet owner will only be liable for an attack if he or she should have prevented it based on the knowledge that the pet had vicious propensities. The dog must have bitten someone or exhibited aggressive behaviors in the past that would lead the pet owner to believe it could harm someone again. Then, the owner must have negligently failed to prevent a foreseeable attack. Proving these elements may be necessary to obtain compensation in Texas.

Contact a Frisco Dog Bite Lawyer Today

Holding a dog owner liable for an attack and bite injury can be difficult in Texas. You will have the responsibility to prove the owner’s fault. This may take evidence such as eyewitness accounts of the attack, an investigation into the pet’s history and an analysis of the facts from accident reports. A lawyer from the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. can help you with your Frisco dog bite injury claim. Let us review your case for free. Call (214) 200-4878 or submit our contact form today.