Suffering a concussion in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, especially if you weren’t at fault. To make matters worse, trying to determine a post-concussion syndrome settlement value on your own often compounds the stress and the symptoms accompanying your head injury. That’s why consulting with a skilled personal injury attorney is essential….
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Concussion Settlement Amounts in Texas
Posted in Car Accidents, Personal Injury on December 18, 2022
What Type of Damages Can I Collect From Texas Truck Accident?
Posted in truck accidents on December 13, 2022
Trucking accidents are an unfortunate part of sharing the road with commercial vehicles. Thousands of people are injured or killed every year following collisions with trucks and other large commercial vehicles. The sheer size and weight of trucks often make the injuries associated with trucking accidents more severe than those associated with other crashes. Who…
Read MoreWere You injured As a Passenger in a Car Accident, Do You Get a Settlement?
Posted in Car Accidents on December 5, 2022
Some car accidents are simple fender benders where the drivers exchange insurance information without incident or injury. In that scenario, receiving a settlement from the insurance company is unlikely. On the other hand, if a car accident was devastating, with serious injuries to all passengers involved and a totaled vehicle, then the insurance company is…
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