When you are hiring a Dallas personal injury attorney, it can be difficult to wade through legal terms so you can ensure you find the attorney that is right for you. One term you may have noticed is contingency, as well as its opposite, non-contingency. How do these terms apply to your case? What Is…
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What Is the Difference Between a Contingency and a Non-Contingency Personal Injury Attorney?
Posted in Personal Injury on February 15, 2019
What If You Are the Passenger in a Rideshare Accident?
Posted in Car Accidents on February 12, 2019
With companies like Lyft and Uber giving taxicab companies a run for their money in the Dallas area, the options for catching an easily accessible, affordable ride are more numerous than ever. Rideshare drivers, however, are just as susceptible to accidents as the rest of us; some would even argue rideshare drivers are more prone…
Read MoreTop 25 Contributing Factors for Texas Car Accidents
Posted in Uncategorized on February 4, 2019
Many of us have seen over a hundred reports of severe car crashes in the news or in person on the road. On average, according to The Association for Safe International Road Travel, the United States reports about 37,000 fatal traffic accidents per year with an additional 2.3 million traffic accidents that resulted in a…
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