Winning the Battle Against Bed Bugs: Key Steps to Take for a Successful Lawsuit in Dallas

Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Winning the Battle Against Bed Bugs: Key Steps to Take for a Successful Lawsuit in Dallas 1

Are you dealing with the aggravation and frustration of a bed bug infestation? Have these tiny pests invaded your Dallas home and disrupted your peace of mind? If so, you’re not alone. Bed bugs are a common problem that many people in Dallas face, and they can cause significant damage to both your property and your mental well-being.

But fear not, because there are legal remedies available to help you fight back and seek compensation for the harm caused by bed bugs. In this article, we will guide you through the key steps you need to take for a successful lawsuit against the responsible party. From gathering evidence and documenting the infestation to understanding your rights and seeking professional legal assistance, we’ll provide you with the essential information you need to win the battle against bed bugs.

Don’t let bed bugs continue to wreak havoc on your life. Take a stand and protect your rights. Read on to discover the steps you need to take for a successful bed bug lawsuit in Dallas.

Understanding bed bug infestations and their impact

Bed bugs are small, blood-sucking insects that infest homes, hotels, and other properties. They are nocturnal pests that feed on human blood, causing itchy bites and leaving behind small red welts. In addition to the physical discomfort, bed bugs can also have a significant impact on your mental well-being, causing stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances.

It’s important to understand the signs of a bed bug infestation. Look out for small, reddish-brown bugs crawling on your mattress, furniture, or walls. You may also notice dark spots on your bedding, which are bed bug feces, or shed skins and eggs. If you suspect a bed bug infestation, it’s crucial to take immediate action to protect yourself and your property.

Recognizing landlord responsibilities in Dallas

In Dallas, landlords have a legal responsibility to provide tenants with a safe and habitable living environment. This includes the prevention and eradication of bed bug infestations. If you’re renting a property and have discovered bed bugs, it’s important to understand your rights and the responsibilities of your landlord.

Under the Texas Property Code, landlords are required to maintain their properties in a condition that is safe and habitable. This includes keeping the premises free from pests, including bed bugs. If your landlord fails to fulfill their responsibilities and you suffer harm as a result, you may be entitled to seek compensation through a lawsuit.

Winning the Battle Against Bed Bugs: Key Steps to Take for a Successful Lawsuit in Dallas 3

Documenting the bed bug infestation

When it comes to filing a successful bed bug lawsuit, documentation is key. The more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be. Start by taking clear, detailed photographs of the bed bugs, their eggs, and any bites or welts on your body. Make sure to capture images of the infested areas, including mattresses, furniture, and walls.

In addition to photographs, keep a written record of the dates and times when you first noticed the bed bugs and any subsequent sightings. Describe the location of the infestation, the number of bugs you’ve seen, and any steps you’ve taken to address the problem. This documentation will serve as crucial evidence when building your case.

Notifying the landlord and requesting action

Once you’ve gathered sufficient evidence, it’s time to notify your landlord about the bed bug infestation and request immediate action. Provide them with a written notice detailing the issue, including photographs and a description of the infestation. Be sure to keep a copy of this notice for your records.

In your notice, clearly state your expectation for the landlord to address the problem promptly. Request that they hire a professional pest control company to inspect the premises, treat the infestation, and take preventative measures to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Keep a record of any communication with your landlord, including dates, times, and the content of your conversations.

Seeking medical attention and documenting any health issues

Bed bug bites can cause more than just physical discomfort. In some cases, they can lead to serious health issues, including allergic reactions, infections, and even psychological distress. If you’ve experienced any adverse health effects as a result of the bed bug infestation, it’s important to seek medical attention and document these issues.

Visit a healthcare professional who can assess your condition and provide the necessary treatment. Request medical records that clearly link your health problems to the bed bug infestation. These records will serve as valuable evidence when seeking compensation for your physical and emotional suffering.

Gathering evidence for your bed bug lawsuit

To strengthen your bed bug lawsuit, it’s crucial to gather as much evidence as possible. In addition to the documentation mentioned earlier, consider collecting the following:

– Witness statements: If there are other tenants or neighbors who have experienced bed bug infestations, ask them to provide written statements detailing their experiences.

– Pest control reports: If your landlord hires a pest control company to treat the infestation, ask for a copy of their inspection report and treatment plan.

– Repair requests: If you’ve made any repair requests related to the bed bug infestation, keep records of these requests and any responses from your landlord.

– Rent payment records: If you’ve withheld rent due to the landlord’s failure to address the infestation, keep records of these withheld payments.

The more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be. Consult with a reputable bed bug lawyer in Dallas to ensure you’re collecting the right evidence and presenting it effectively.

Hiring a reputable bed bug lawyer in Dallas

While it’s possible to file a bed bug lawsuit on your own, hiring a reputable bed bug lawyer in Dallas can significantly increase your chances of success. Look for a lawyer who specializes in landlord-tenant law and has experience handling bed bug cases. They will have the knowledge and expertise to navigate the legal complexities and fight for your rights.

During your initial consultation with a lawyer, be prepared to discuss the details of your case, including the evidence you’ve gathered and the damages you’ve suffered. They will assess the strength of your case and advise you on the best course of action. Remember to ask about their fees, payment structure, and potential outcomes for your lawsuit.

Filing a lawsuit against the landlord

If negotiations with your landlord fail to resolve the issue, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit to seek compensation for the harm caused by the bed bug infestation. Your lawyer will guide you through the process, ensuring that all necessary paperwork is completed accurately and submitted within the required timeframe.

When filing a lawsuit, you’ll need to outline the damages you’ve suffered, including physical injuries, emotional distress, property damage, and any financial losses incurred as a result of the infestation. Your lawyer will help you calculate a fair compensation amount and present your case in court.

Winning the Battle Against Bed Bugs: Key Steps to Take for a Successful Lawsuit in Dallas 5

The legal process and potential outcomes

Once your lawsuit is filed, the legal process will begin. This typically involves discovery, where both parties gather evidence and exchange information, followed by settlement negotiations. If a settlement cannot be reached, your case may proceed to trial, where a judge or jury will decide the outcome.

The potential outcomes of a bed bug lawsuit can vary. If your case is successful, you may be awarded compensation for medical expenses, property damage, pain and suffering, and any other damages you’ve incurred. However, it’s important to note that each case is unique, and the outcome will depend on the specific circumstances.

Steps to Take for a Successful Bed Bug Lawsuit Against Hotels

Have you recently stayed at a hotel only to find yourself covered in itchy red welts from bed bug bites? If so, you may be entitled to compensation. Taking legal action against a hotel for bed bug infestations can be a complex process, but with the right steps, you can increase your chances of a successful lawsuit.

Firstly, it is important to document your experience thoroughly. Take clear pictures of the bed bugs and the bites on your body as evidence. Additionally, make a detailed record of all the expenses you incurred as a result of the infestation, such as medical bills and laundry costs.

Next, seek medical attention to treat your bites and to have a professional document your injuries. This will provide further evidence of the pain and suffering you endured due to the hotel’s negligence.

Furthermore, consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in bed bug lawsuits to assess the strength of your case and guide you through the legal process.

By following these steps, you can increase your chances of holding hotels accountable for their failure to provide a safe and pest-free environment for their guests.

Understanding bed bug infestations in hotels

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are notorious for their ability to infest hotels and other hospitality establishments, causing discomfort and potential health risks for guests. Bed bugs can easily hitch a ride on luggage or clothing, making them a common problem in places where people come and go frequently, such as hotels.

When it comes to bed bug infestations in hotels, it’s important to understand that the responsibility lies with the hotel management. Hotels have a legal duty to maintain a safe and habitable environment for their guests, which includes taking proactive measures to prevent and address bed bug infestations. If they fail to fulfill this duty, they can be held liable for the damages caused.

The importance of documenting evidence

In any legal case, documentation is crucial, and a bed bug lawsuit is no exception. To build a strong case against a Dallas hotel, it is essential to gather as much evidence as possible. This evidence will help support your claim and demonstrate the extent of the damages you suffered due to the bed bug infestation.

The first step in documenting your experience is to take clear pictures of the bed bugs themselves, as well as the bites on your body. Make sure the photographs are well-lit and show the infestation and injuries in detail. These pictures will serve as visual evidence of the presence of bed bugs and the harm they caused you.

In addition to photographs, keep a detailed record of all the expenses you incurred as a result of the infestation. This includes medical bills, costs for replacing infested luggage or clothing, and any other related expenses. Having a thorough record of these expenses will help calculate the damages you are seeking in your lawsuit.

Remember, the more evidence you have, the stronger your case will be. So, be diligent in documenting everything related to the bed bug infestation and its consequences.

Steps to take immediately after discovering bed bugs in your hotel room

Discovering bed bugs in your hotel room can be a shocking and unsettling experience. However, it’s important to remain calm and take immediate action to protect your rights and gather evidence. Here are the steps you should take as soon as you discover bed bugs in your hotel room:

1. Isolate the bed bugs: If you notice bed bugs crawling on your bed or furniture, try to capture them in a sealed plastic bag or container. This will serve as physical evidence of the infestation.

2. Document the infestation: Take photographs and videos of the bed bugs in your room. Focus on capturing their presence in different areas, such as the mattress, headboard, and furniture. Be thorough in documenting the extent of the infestation.

3. Notify the hotel management: Contact the hotel management immediately and inform them about the bed bug infestation. Provide them with a clear and detailed account of the situation, including the evidence you have gathered. It’s important to document your complaint and any interactions you have with the hotel staff.

Contacting the hotel management and documenting your complaint is an essential step in the process of filing a bed bug lawsuit. It establishes a record of your complaint and gives the hotel an opportunity to address the issue promptly. However, if the hotel fails to take appropriate action or ignores your complaint, it may be necessary to escalate the matter further.

Seeking medical attention and keeping records of any related expenses

After encountering bed bugs at a Dallas hotel, seeking medical attention should be a priority. Although bed bug bites are not known to transmit diseases, they can cause severe itching, allergic reactions, and secondary skin infections. By seeking medical treatment, you not only alleviate your discomfort but also establish a medical record of your injuries.

When visiting a healthcare professional, be sure to describe your symptoms accurately and mention your exposure to bed bugs. This information will be included in your medical records, providing further evidence of the pain and suffering you experienced due to the hotel’s negligence.

Furthermore, keep track of any expenses incurred as a result of the bed bug infestation. This includes medical bills, prescription medications, and over-the-counter treatments for itching or skin irritation. Additionally, document any costs associated with cleaning or replacing infested clothing, luggage, or personal belongings. These records will be crucial when calculating the compensation you deserve.

Winning the Battle Against Bed Bugs: Key Steps to Take for a Successful Lawsuit in Dallas 7

Contacting a professional bed bug lawyer

Navigating the legal process can be daunting, especially when dealing with a complex issue like a bed bug lawsuit. To ensure you have the best chance of success, it is advisable to consult with an experienced attorney specializing in bed bug lawsuits.

A professional bed bug lawyer will assess the strength of your case and guide you through the legal process. They will have a deep understanding of the laws and regulations surrounding bed bug infestations in Dallas hotels and can help you build a solid case against the responsible party.

When selecting a lawyer, look for someone with a track record of handling bed bug cases and achieving favorable outcomes for their clients. Schedule consultations with multiple attorneys to find one who not only has the necessary expertise but also communicates effectively and makes you feel comfortable throughout the process.

Gathering evidence for your lawsuit

To strengthen your bed bug lawsuit against a Dallas hotel, it is essential to gather as much evidence as possible. This evidence will support your claims and establish the hotel’s negligence in providing a safe and pest-free environment for its guests.

Start by collecting all relevant documentation, such as photographs of the bed bugs and your bites, medical records, and receipts for any expenses you have incurred. These documents should be organized and easily accessible, as they will be crucial during negotiations and potentially in court.

In addition to documentation, consider reaching out to other guests who may have experienced bed bug infestations at the same hotel. Their testimonies can further support your case, especially if there is a pattern of negligence on the part of the hotel.

It may also be helpful to gather any relevant information about the hotel’s history of bed bug issues. This can include previous complaints, reports, or lawsuits filed against the establishment. Such information can demonstrate a recurring problem that the hotel has failed to address adequately.

Filing a lawsuit against the hotel

If negotiations with the hotel management and their legal representation fail to provide a satisfactory resolution, filing a lawsuit may be the next step. Before proceeding, consult with your bed bug lawyer to determine the best course of action based on the strength of your case and the potential for a successful outcome.

To initiate a lawsuit against a Dallas hotel for bed bug infestations, your attorney will draft and file a complaint in the appropriate court. This legal document outlines the facts of the case, the damages you have suffered, and the compensation you are seeking. The hotel will then be served with the complaint, and the legal process will officially begin.

It is important to note that filing a lawsuit does not guarantee a favorable outcome. However, it sends a clear message to the hotel that you are serious about seeking justice for the harm you have endured. With a skilled attorney by your side, you can navigate the legal process with confidence and maximize your chances of a successful resolution.

The legal process and what to expect during a bed bug lawsuit

Once a bed bug lawsuit is filed against a Dallas hotel, the legal process begins. Understanding what to expect during this process can help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty associated with pursuing a lawsuit.

The first phase of the legal process is known as discovery. During this time, both parties exchange information and gather evidence to strengthen their respective cases. Your attorney will work diligently to obtain any additional evidence necessary to support your claims.

Following the discovery phase, negotiations between your attorney and the hotel’s legal team may take place. These negotiations aim to reach a settlement agreement without going to trial. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, the case will proceed to court.

In court, your attorney will present your case, calling witnesses and presenting evidence to support your claims. The hotel’s legal team will have the opportunity to counter your arguments and present their defense. The judge or jury will then decide the outcome of the case based on the evidence presented.

It is important to remember that the legal process can be lengthy and complex. Patience and perseverance are key throughout this journey. Your attorney will guide you every step of the way, ensuring that your rights are protected and your best interests are represented.

Conclusion: Taking action to protect your rights against bed bugs

Dealing with a bed bug infestation can be a frustrating and stressful experience. However, by taking the right steps and seeking legal assistance, you can protect your rights and seek compensation for the harm caused by these pests. Remember to document the infestation, notify your landlord, seek medical attention, and gather evidence for your lawsuit.

Hiring a reputable bed bug lawyer in Dallas will provide you with the expertise and guidance you need to navigate the legal process and maximize your chances of success. Don’t let bed bugs continue to disrupt your life. Take action today and fight back against these unwanted invaders.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:10 pm

Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas

Tuesday, January 2, 2024
Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas 9

If you’ve experienced injuries as a result of an ATV accident in Dallas, seeking justice may be at the forefront of your mind. Filing a lawsuit is a crucial step towards obtaining the compensation you deserve. However, navigating the legal process can be overwhelming, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the intricacies of personal injury law. That’s where we come in.

In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps of filing a lawsuit for injuries sustained in an ATV accident in Dallas. We’ll provide you with valuable information on gathering evidence, determining liability, and navigating the legal system. Our goal is to equip you with the knowledge and confidence to seek justice and secure the compensation you need for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Don’t let the complexities of the legal system deter you from pursuing your rightful claim. With our expert guidance, you can navigate the legal process with ease and maximize your chances of a successful outcome. Let’s get started on your path to justice.

Understanding ATV accidents and personal injury claims

ATV accidents can result in severe injuries, leaving victims struggling physically, emotionally, and financially. Understanding the basics of personal injury claims is crucial to navigate the legal process effectively.

Personal injury claims arise when an individual suffers harm due to the negligence or wrongful conduct of another party. In the case of an ATV accident, negligence can include factors such as reckless driving, inadequate maintenance of the ATV, or failure to adhere to safety guidelines.

To establish a personal injury claim, you must demonstrate the following elements:

1. Duty of Care: The defendant owed you a duty of care, such as operating the ATV safely.

2. Breach of Duty: The defendant breached their duty of care through negligent actions or omissions.

3. Causation: The defendant’s breach of duty directly caused your injuries.

4. Damages: You suffered actual damages, such as medical expenses, lost wages, or pain and suffering.

Once you understand the basics of personal injury claims, you can move forward with confidence in pursuing your ATV accident lawsuit.

Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas 11

Steps to take immediately after an ATV accident

After an ATV accident, taking immediate action is crucial for your safety and building a strong case. Here are the essential steps to follow:

1. Seek Medical Attention: Your health is the top priority. Even if you don’t feel immediate pain, some injuries may be internal or take time to manifest. Visit a healthcare professional as soon as possible for a thorough evaluation.

2. Report the Accident: Contact the local law enforcement agency to report the ATV accident. This step ensures an official record of the incident, which can be valuable evidence for your lawsuit.

3. Gather Information: Collect essential information from all parties involved in the accident, including their names, contact details, insurance information, and statements. Additionally, gather contact information from any witnesses present at the scene.

4. Document the Scene: Take photographs or videos of the accident scene, including any visible damages, skid marks, or hazardous conditions. These visual records can provide valuable evidence to support your claim.

5. Preserve Evidence: Preserve any physical evidence related to the accident, such as damaged ATV parts or torn clothing. These items can be crucial in proving negligence or liability.

6. Notify Insurance Companies: Contact your insurance company to report the accident and initiate the claims process. However, exercise caution when providing statements or discussing the details of the accident to avoid potential pitfalls.

By following these steps, you lay the foundation for a strong ATV accident lawsuit. Gathering evidence and seeking immediate medical attention are vital for building a compelling case.

Gathering evidence for your ATV accident lawsuit

To strengthen your ATV accident lawsuit, gathering relevant evidence is essential. The more evidence you have, the better your chances of proving negligence and obtaining a favorable outcome. Here are some crucial types of evidence to consider:

1. Medical Records: Obtain copies of all medical records, including diagnosis, treatment plans, prescriptions, and any ongoing therapy or rehabilitation. These records serve as evidence of the extent and impact of your injuries.

2. Witness Statements: Contact any witnesses who were present at the scene of the ATV accident. Request written statements detailing what they saw and heard. Witness testimony can provide valuable perspectives and support your version of events.

3. Photographs and Videos: Compile any visual evidence you collected at the accident scene, including photographs or videos of the damages, injuries, and hazardous conditions. These visual records can help recreate the accident and demonstrate liability.

4. Expert Opinions: Consult with medical experts, accident reconstruction specialists, or other relevant professionals who can provide expert opinions on the accident and your injuries. Their expertise can strengthen your case and provide valuable insights.

5. Police Reports: Obtain a copy of the police report filed at the scene of the accident. This report typically contains important details, such as the officer’s observations, witness statements, and any citations issued.

Remember, the strength of your evidence can significantly impact the outcome of your ATV accident lawsuit. Thoroughly document and organize all evidence to present a compelling case.

Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas 13

Finding the right personal injury attorney in Dallas

Navigating the legal system can be challenging without the guidance of an experienced personal injury attorney. When selecting an attorney to handle your ATV accident lawsuit, consider the following factors:

1. Experience: Look for an attorney with substantial experience in personal injury law, specifically ATV accidents. They should have a track record of successfully representing clients and obtaining fair compensation.

2. Specialization: Choose an attorney who specializes in personal injury law rather than a general practitioner. Specialized attorneys have in-depth knowledge of the complexities surrounding personal injury claims and can provide the best legal representation.

3. Reputation: Research the attorney’s reputation within the legal community and among past clients. Read reviews, testimonials, and check for any disciplinary actions or complaints filed against them.

4. Resources: Ensure the attorney has the necessary resources to handle your case effectively. This includes access to expert witnesses, investigative tools, and a dedicated support team.

5. Communication and Trust: Schedule consultations with potential attorneys to gauge their communication style and level of trust. You should feel comfortable discussing personal details and confident in their ability to represent your best interests.

Finding the right personal injury attorney is crucial for the success of your ATV accident lawsuit. Take the time to research and choose an attorney who aligns with your needs and goals.

Filing a lawsuit for your ATV accident injuries

Once you’ve gathered evidence and secured legal representation, it’s time to file a lawsuit for your ATV accident injuries. Here’s an overview of the process:

1. Statute of Limitations: Determine the applicable statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in Texas. The statute of limitations sets the time limit within which you must file your lawsuit. Failure to meet this deadline may result in your case being dismissed.

2. Drafting the Complaint: Your attorney will prepare a formal complaint outlining the details of your ATV accident, the injuries sustained, and the damages sought. This document initiates the lawsuit.

3. Serving the Defendant: The complaint must be properly served to the defendant, ensuring they are aware of the lawsuit and have an opportunity to respond. This is typically done by a process server or a sheriff’s deputy.

4. The Defendant’s Response: After being served, the defendant has a specific period to respond to the lawsuit. They may file an answer, admitting or denying the allegations, or motion to dismiss the case.

5. Discovery Phase: The discovery phase allows both parties to gather additional evidence, exchange information, and depose witnesses. This phase is crucial for building a strong case and evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing party’s arguments.

The legal process for an ATV accident lawsuit in Dallas

Navigating the legal process for an ATV accident lawsuit in Dallas can be complex. Understanding the various stages can help you prepare for what lies ahead. Here’s an overview of the legal process:

1. Pre-trial Motions: During this stage, both parties may file motions to resolve certain issues before trial. These motions can include requests for summary judgment, which aim to dismiss parts of the case without a trial.

2. Settlement Negotiations: Prior to trial, there may be opportunities for settlement negotiations. Your attorney will work with the defendant’s legal team to reach a fair settlement offer. If a settlement is agreed upon, the case will be resolved without going to trial.

3. Trial: If a settlement cannot be reached, the case will proceed to trial. During the trial, both parties will present their arguments, evidence, and witness testimony. A judge or jury will then render a verdict based on the presented evidence.

4. Appeals: If either party is dissatisfied with the trial outcome, they may file an appeal. The appeals process allows a higher court to review the case for legal errors or procedural mistakes that may have affected the outcome.

Understanding the legal process can help you prepare for what lies ahead in your ATV accident lawsuit. Remember, your attorney will guide you through each stage, ensuring your rights are protected.

Seeking Justice: How to File a Lawsuit for Injuries from an ATV Accident in Dallas 15

Calculating damages for your ATV accident lawsuit

Calculating damages for your ATV accident lawsuit involves determining the full extent of your losses. Damages can be categorized into two main types:

1. Economic Damages: Economic damages are quantifiable losses resulting from the accident, such as medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and property damage. These damages aim to compensate you for the financial impact of the accident.

2. Non-economic Damages: Non-economic damages are subjective losses that are not easily quantifiable, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium. These damages aim to compensate you for the physical and emotional toll the accident has had on your life.

Calculating damages requires a thorough evaluation of your medical records, financial records, and expert opinions. Your attorney will work with you to accurately determine the full extent of your damages to seek fair compensation.

Negotiating a settlement for your ATV accident case

Many ATV accident lawsuits reach a settlement before proceeding to trial. Settlement negotiations provide an opportunity to resolve the case without the uncertainty and costs associated with a trial. Here are some key points to consider during settlement negotiations:

1. Assessing the Strength of Your Case: Your attorney will evaluate the strength of your case based on the evidence, expert opinions, and applicable laws. This assessment helps determine the value of your claim and provides a starting point for negotiations.

2. Considering Future Damages: Anticipate any future damages resulting from the ATV accident, such as ongoing medical treatments or long-term disabilities. These potential future damages should be factored into settlement negotiations.

3. Understanding Comparative Negligence: Texas follows a modified comparative negligence rule, which means your compensation may be reduced if you are found partially at fault for the accident. Consider this when evaluating settlement offers.

4. Evaluating the Costs of Litigation: Assess the potential costs and risks associated with going to trial. This evaluation should include legal fees, expert witness fees, and the likelihood of success at trial.

Negotiating a settlement requires careful consideration of the strengths and weaknesses of your case. Work closely with your attorney to achieve a fair settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and losses.

Going to trial for your ATV accident lawsuit

If a fair settlement cannot be reached, your ATV accident lawsuit will proceed to trial. While trials can be complex and time-consuming, they provide an opportunity to present your case before a judge or jury. Here are some key aspects of going to trial:

1. Jury Selection: If your case goes to trial, a jury will be selected. Your attorney will work to select jurors who are impartial and likely to rule in your favor based on the evidence presented.

2. Opening Statements: Both parties will present opening statements outlining their arguments and what they intend to prove during the trial. These statements set the stage for the presentation of evidence.

3. Presentation of Evidence: Each party will present their evidence, including witness testimony, expert opinions, and any other relevant documentation. Your attorney will work to present a compelling case that proves the defendant’s negligence and your resulting injuries.

4. Closing Arguments: After the presentation of evidence, both parties will have an opportunity to deliver closing arguments summarizing their case and urging the judge or jury to rule in their favor.

5. Verdict: The judge or jury will deliberate and render a verdict based on the evidence presented during the trial. If the verdict is in your favor, you may be awarded compensation for your injuries and losses.

Going to trial can be a lengthy and complex process. Your attorney will guide you through every step, ensuring your rights are protected and your case is effectively presented.

Conclusion and final thoughts

Filing a lawsuit for injuries sustained in an ATV accident in Dallas is a crucial step towards obtaining the compensation you deserve. By understanding the intricacies of personal injury law, gathering strong evidence, and working with an experienced attorney, you can navigate the legal process with confidence.

Remember to take immediate action after an ATV accident, gather relevant evidence, and seek the guidance of a specialized personal injury attorney. Whether you reach a settlement or go to trial, your pursuit of justice can lead to fair compensation for your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Don’t let the complexities of the legal system deter you from seeking the justice you deserve. With our expert guidance, you can confidently move forward and secure the compensation needed to rebuild your life after an ATV accident in Dallas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:06 pm

Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas

Monday, January 1, 2024
Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas 17

Are you a victim of a car accident in Dallas caused by an uninsured motorist? Navigating the legal process can feel like a daunting maze. However, understanding the essential requirements to sue an uninsured motorist can make a significant difference in your case. In this article, we will explore the key steps you need to take to protect your rights and seek compensation for your damages.

First and foremost, it is crucial to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This includes obtaining a police report, taking photographs of the accident scene and property damage, and collecting witness statements if applicable. Additionally, it is essential to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you through the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected.

While dealing with an uninsured motorist can be challenging, knowing the necessary requirements for filing a lawsuit can help you navigate through the complexities of your case. Don’t let the lack of insurance coverage deter you from seeking the compensation you deserve. By understanding the legal steps and seeking professional advice, you can pursue justice and ensure your rights are upheld.

Understanding uninsured motorists

Car accidents happen every day, and unfortunately, some drivers neglect their responsibility to carry auto insurance. These uninsured motorists put innocent victims at risk and create additional challenges when it comes to seeking compensation for damages. Uninsured motorists are individuals who do not have liability insurance coverage to pay for the damages they cause in an accident.

Without insurance coverage, victims of car accidents with uninsured motorists may face significant financial burdens. Medical expenses, property damage, and lost wages can quickly add up, leaving victims feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to move forward. However, it’s essential to remember that you have legal options to pursue compensation and hold the uninsured motorist accountable for their actions.

Why suing an uninsured motorist is necessary

Suing an uninsured motorist is necessary to protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. While insurance coverage should ideally handle these situations, the reality is that not all drivers comply with this requirement. By pursuing legal action, you can ensure that the responsible party is held accountable for their actions and that you receive the compensation you need to recover from the accident.

Moreover, by filing a lawsuit against the uninsured motorist, you are also sending a message to other drivers that negligence will not go unpunished. This can potentially discourage others from driving without insurance and contribute to making the roads safer for everyone.

Statutory requirements for suing an uninsured motorist in Dallas

In Dallas, there are specific statutory requirements that must be met to successfully sue an uninsured motorist. These requirements exist to protect both the victim and the uninsured motorist in the legal process. Here are some essential statutory requirements to keep in mind:

1. Notification: You must notify your insurance company within a certain timeframe after the accident. Failure to do so may result in your claim being denied.

2. Cooperation: You must cooperate with your insurance company’s investigation of the accident. This may include providing necessary documentation, participating in recorded statements, and attending medical examinations.

3. Evidence: You must provide evidence that the uninsured motorist was at fault for the accident and that you have suffered damages as a result. This may include police reports, photographs, witness statements, medical records, and other relevant evidence.

Meeting these statutory requirements is crucial to building a strong case against the uninsured motorist. It is advisable to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can guide you through the process and ensure that you fulfill these requirements.

Gathering evidence to support your case

To successfully sue an uninsured motorist, you must gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This evidence will help establish fault, prove negligence, and demonstrate the extent of your damages. Here are some crucial pieces of evidence to collect:

1. Police report: Obtain a copy of the police report filed at the scene of the accident. This report will contain important details about the accident, including any citations issued to the uninsured motorist.

2. Photographs: Take photographs of the accident scene, property damage, and any visible injuries you sustained. These photographs can provide visual evidence of the impact and help establish the severity of the accident.

3. Witness statements: If there were any witnesses to the accident, try to obtain their contact information and statements. Witness testimony can provide additional support to your claim and help establish the uninsured motorist’s negligence.

4. Medical records: Keep records of all medical treatments you receive as a result of the accident. This includes hospital visits, surgeries, physical therapy, and any ongoing medical care. These records will help calculate the extent of your damages and the compensation you deserve.

By gathering comprehensive evidence, you strengthen your case and increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. Remember to preserve all documentation related to the accident, as it will be critical during the legal process.

Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas 19

Filing a claim with your insurance company

After gathering the necessary evidence, it’s time to file a claim with your insurance company. Notify your insurance company as soon as possible about the accident involving an uninsured motorist. Provide them with all the relevant information, including the police report, photographs, and witness statements.

Your insurance company will initiate an investigation into the accident and review your claim. It is important to cooperate fully with your insurance company during this process. Be prepared to answer questions, provide additional documentation if requested, and attend any necessary medical examinations.

Keep in mind that your insurance policy may have certain limitations and exclusions when it comes to uninsured motorist coverage. Consult with your personal injury attorney to ensure that you understand the terms of your policy and maximize your chances of receiving fair compensation.

Hiring a personal injury attorney

Navigating the legal process of suing an uninsured motorist can be complex and overwhelming. That’s why it is highly recommended to hire an experienced personal injury attorney who specializes in these types of cases. An attorney will provide invaluable guidance, protect your rights, and advocate for your best interests throughout the legal proceedings.

When choosing a personal injury attorney, look for someone with a track record of success in handling uninsured motorist cases. They should have a deep understanding of the relevant laws and regulations in Dallas and be familiar with the tactics insurance companies may use to deny or minimize claims.

Your attorney will handle all aspects of your case, including gathering additional evidence, negotiating with the insurance company, and representing you in court if necessary. Having an experienced advocate by your side ensures that you have the best chance of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

The legal process of suing an uninsured motorist in Dallas

Once you have hired a personal injury attorney, they will guide you through the legal process of suing an uninsured motorist in Dallas. The process typically involves the following steps:

1. Demand letter: Your attorney will draft a demand letter that outlines your claim, including the details of the accident, the uninsured motorist’s negligence, and the damages you have suffered. This letter will be sent to the uninsured motorist and their insurance company, if applicable, to initiate settlement negotiations.

2. Mediation and settlement negotiations: In many cases, the parties involved will attempt to reach a settlement through mediation. Mediation is a process where a neutral third party facilitates negotiations between the victim, their attorney, and the uninsured motorist or their insurance company. The goal is to reach a fair settlement that compensates the victim for their damages without going to trial.

3. Going to trial and obtaining a judgment: If a settlement cannot be reached, your case may proceed to trial. Your attorney will present your case before a judge or jury, arguing for your right to compensation. If successful, the court will issue a judgment in your favor, determining the amount of compensation you are entitled to.

The legal process of suing an uninsured motorist can be lengthy and complex. However, with the guidance and expertise of your personal injury attorney, you can navigate through the process and ensure that your rights are upheld.

Mediation and settlement negotiations

When pursuing a lawsuit against an uninsured motorist in Dallas, the first step is often attempting mediation and settlement negotiations. Mediation is a process where a neutral third party facilitates communication between the parties involved in the dispute to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. It is an opportunity for both parties to discuss their concerns and explore possible solutions.

During mediation, your personal injury attorney will present your case and argue for fair compensation for your damages. This may include medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and pain and suffering. The goal is to reach a settlement that adequately compensates you for your losses without the need for a lengthy and costly trial.

It is important to note that mediation is not always successful, and the uninsured motorist may refuse to cooperate or agree to a fair settlement. In such cases, it may be necessary to proceed to the next step in the legal process, which is going to trial and obtaining a judgment.

Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas 21

Steps to Protecting Yourself from the Financial Impact of an Uninsured Motorist

Did you know that even if you have car insurance, you might still be at risk of financial hardship if you get into an accident with an uninsured motorist? It’s true, and it’s a situation that no one wants to find themselves in. However, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from the financial impact of an uninsured motorist.

By being proactive and well-informed, you can ensure that you’re prepared for any unexpected incidents on the road. Don’t let an uninsured driver leave you in a financial bind. Take control of your financial well-being and protect yourself from the potential consequences of an accident with an uninsured motorist.

Understanding the risks of driving without insurance

Driving without insurance is not only illegal but also puts you at significant financial risk. If you get into an accident with an uninsured motorist and they are found to be at fault, you may be left to cover the costs of repairs, medical bills, and other damages yourself. This can quickly add up to a substantial financial burden that could take years to recover from.

In addition to the financial consequences, driving without insurance can also lead to legal troubles. Depending on the laws in your state or country, you may face fines, license suspension, or even imprisonment for driving without proper insurance coverage. It’s crucial to understand the risks involved and take the necessary steps to protect yourself.

The financial consequences of an uninsured motorist accident

Getting into an accident with an uninsured motorist can have severe financial implications. Without insurance coverage, you may be responsible for paying for repairs to your vehicle, medical expenses, and other damages out of pocket. If you don’t have substantial savings or assets to rely on, this can quickly lead to financial hardship.

Furthermore, even if you have insurance, not all policies offer coverage for accidents with uninsured motorists. It’s essential to review your policy carefully and understand the extent of your coverage. If you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, now is the time to consider adding it to your policy to protect yourself from potential financial setbacks.

Pursuing compensation through uninsured motorist coverage

One of the most effective ways to protect yourself financially from an uninsured motorist is by pursuing compensation through your own insurance policy’s uninsured motorist coverage. Here’s what you need to know:

1. Understand Your Coverage

Review your insurance policy to understand the details of your uninsured motorist coverage. Familiarize yourself with the limits and conditions of the policy, including any exclusions or restrictions that may apply.

2. File a Claim

In the event of an accident with an uninsured motorist, file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with all the necessary documentation, including the police report, photographs, and witness statements. Be prepared to provide a detailed account of the accident and any resulting injuries or damages.

3. Negotiate Fair Compensation

Your insurance company may try to settle for a lower amount than you deserve. It’s important to negotiate and advocate for fair compensation. If necessary, consult with your attorney to ensure you’re receiving the full extent of coverage you’re entitled to.

Pursuing compensation through your uninsured motorist coverage is a proactive step in protecting yourself from the financial impact of an uninsured driver. By understanding your coverage and advocating for fair compensation, you can minimize the potential financial burden of an accident.

Navigating the Legal Maze: Essential Requirements to Sue an Uninsured Motorist in Dallas 23

Preventative measures to protect yourself from uninsured motorists

While accidents with uninsured motorists can be challenging to avoid entirely, there are preventative measures you can take to protect yourself and reduce the risk. Here are some steps you can implement today:

1. Maintain Adequate Insurance Coverage

Ensure that you have sufficient insurance coverage to protect yourself in the event of an accident with an uninsured motorist. Review your policy regularly to make sure it aligns with your needs and provides adequate protection.

2. Install Dash Cams

Invest in a dash cam for your vehicle. Dash cams can provide crucial evidence in the event of an accident, helping prove fault and protect your interests. Having video footage can be particularly beneficial when dealing with uninsured drivers.

3. Exercise Defensive Driving

Practice defensive driving techniques to minimize the risk of accidents with uninsured motorists. Stay alert, maintain a safe distance from other vehicles, and obey traffic laws. Being proactive and cautious on the road can help you avoid collisions and reduce the likelihood of encountering uninsured drivers.

Taking preventative measures can significantly reduce the potential financial impact of an accident with an uninsured motorist. By maintaining adequate insurance coverage, installing dash cams, and practicing defensive driving, you can mitigate the risks associated with uninsured drivers.

Conclusion: Protecting yourself against uninsured motorists

Dealing with an uninsured motorist can be a challenging and frustrating experience. However, by understanding the necessary requirements for suing an uninsured motorist in Dallas and seeking professional advice, you can pursue justice and ensure your rights are upheld.

Remember to gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim, file a claim with your insurance company, and hire an experienced personal injury attorney to guide you through the legal process. By taking these essential steps, you can protect yourself against uninsured motorists and seek the compensation you deserve.

Don’t let the lack of insurance coverage deter you from seeking justice. With the right knowledge and support, you can navigate the legal maze and achieve a favorable outcome in your case. Take action today to protect your rights and hold the uninsured motorist accountable for their actions.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:17 pm

Does Texas Have a Sick Leave Law?

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

No one plans on an illness that forces him or her out of work or into the hospital. In light of the COVID-19/coronavirus pandemic, it is clearer than ever how greatly an illness can impact a worker’s life. One of the most common questions for people who contract serious illnesses is whether they will be able to take sick leave at work, with or without pay, without losing their jobs. Unlike some states, Texas does not have a sick leave law. Unless federal sick leave laws apply, therefore, an employer could deny sick leave requests.

texas sick leave law

What Is the New Sick Day Law?

Texas does not have a state law making it mandatory for private sector employers to provide paid or unpaid sick leave. Public sector employers, however, must give their employees sick leave at the rate of eight hours per one month of employment for full-time employees. Sick leave will start to accrue the first day of employment. An eligible employee can take this leave for an illness, injury, pregnancy or to care for an immediate family member with an illness. The employee will need a doctor’s note to take three or more days of sick leave.

In March 2020, President Trump signed a law that expanded sick leave in the US to certain eligible people. The bill gives up to 12 weeks of paid family leave to parents who have to care for children due to childcare facility shutdowns connected to the coronavirus. It grants up to 12 weeks at 67% of the recipient’s average salary up to $200 per day. It can also provide up to two weeks of 100% pay reimbursement up to $511 per day. Some employers with under 50 employees are exempt from having to pay. Self-employed workers may receive these benefits in the form of a tax credit.

 Can an Employer Deny Sick Days?

An employer in Texas in the private sector can deny sick days if the terms of federal sick leave laws do not apply. No state law requires employers to give their workers sick days. If an employer decides on its own to provide paid or unpaid sick leave, however, it must fulfill the terms of its policy. It is illegal for an employer to deny sick days after granting them to an employee via an employment contract, for example. Employees should carefully review their employment contracts and workplace policies before requesting sick days in Texas.

Employers in Texas must also abide by all relevant federal sick leave laws. The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), for instance, gives some workers unpaid sick leave for medical and family-related matters without fear of job loss. Employers in Texas must grant eligible employees up to 12 workweeks of leave per year for covered events, such as the birth of a child, the placement of a child via foster care or adoption, or a serious health condition. An employer in Texas cannot breach a federal sick leave law by denying sick days to eligible employees.

 Is PTO the Same As Sick Days?

In general, paid time off (PTO) is not the same as sick days. PTO is a package an employer can choose to give employees that bundles together different types of leave, including vacation time, personal leave, and sick days. Sick days, on the other hand, refer to just one type of leave at a company.

 Can You Be Fired for Being Sick in Texas?

The answer to this depends on your status as a worker, whether you work in the private or public sector, and whether the sick leave requested falls under a federal leave law. If your employer legally has to abide by the terms of federal law such as the FMLA, you are an eligible employee and you request the leave for a valid reason, your employer cannot fire you for taking this leave. If, however, no state or federal sick leave laws apply to your employer or your situation and your boss does not have a separate sick leave law, he or she may have the right to terminate your employment for taking sick leave in Texas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:19 pm

What Is the Texas Good Samaritan Law?

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

No one anticipates witnessing a car accident. If you do see a collision happen or are one of the first people to the scene and intervene to render aid, you are what Texas considers a Good Samaritan. Texas law protects its Good Samaritans by exempting them from liability for injuries unintentionally inflicted while offering assistance at the scene of emergencies, such as car accidents. The Good Samaritan law in Texas has some boundaries and exceptions, however.

The Texas Good Samaritan Act

In Texas, the Good Samaritan Act is an important law that protects people who render aid in a good faith attempt to help others. The act specifically states that if a person administers care in good faith at the scene of an emergency, that person will not bear liability for any damages he or she causes while administering said care. In other words, someone with personal injuries or property damages because of a Good Samaritan’s good-faith actions in an emergency will not be able to file a lawsuit against the Good Samaritan.

Lawmakers in Texas and many other states passed Good Samaritan laws to encourage people to act if they are in a position to help others in emergencies. These laws came about because many people were hesitant to intervene in emergencies out of a fear that the victim would sue should something go wrong. If a Good Samaritan accidentally twisted a car accident victim’s spine the wrong way while removing the victim from a burning car and caused a permanent spinal cord injury, for example, that victim could sue the Good Samaritan were it not for Texas’s related liability law.

Texas’s Good Samaritan Act encourages action in the face of emergencies by protecting those who step in to help from liability for damages. Even if someone helping out in good faith injures the person he or she is trying to help, the Good Samaritan will not have to pay for that person’s damages. It is important to note, however, that Texas’s Good Samaritan law has some exceptions, limitations and boundaries.

Exceptions to the Good Samaritan Law

Lawmakers have revised the Texas Good Samaritan Act many times since it originally passed. They have added several exceptions to the general rule. If an exception applies to a case, the Good Samaritan could still face liability – or legal responsibility – for the victim’s injuries or damages. A Good Samaritan in Texas may not be exempt from liability in certain situations.

  • He/she acted with willful negligence or wanton disregard for the safety of others.
  • He/she was a licensed nurse, doctor or emergency services technician.
  • He/she expected payment or other remuneration for administering care.
  • He/she was at the scene of the accident to solicit business, such as for a doctor or law firm.
  • He/she is the person responsible for putting the victim in harm’s way in the first place.

The main exception to the rule is if the Good Samaritan acted with willful or wanton negligence in rendering aid. This is a higher burden of proof than general negligence. To override Texas’s Good Samaritan Act and bring a lawsuit against someone who renders aid, a plaintiff must prove that the person acted with a willful, intentional or wanton disregard for others’ safety. This determination will depend on the circumstances surrounding the case.

When to Speak to an Attorney

Whether you are the injured victim or the Good Samaritan, you could benefit from hiring an attorney for help with a complicated accident case. Texas’s Good Samaritan Act and its numerous exceptions can be difficult to navigate on your own. Discuss your accident case with a personal injury attorney near you for advice you can trust. Your lawyer can help you overcome any legal challenges you may face due to the Good Samaritan Law.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 3:41 pm

Texas Statute of Limitations

Sunday, April 12, 2020

One of the many laws you need to know as a claimant during a personal injury claim is the statute of limitations. This is one of the most important laws to know in Texas, as missing your statute of limitations could end your claim before it begins. The courts in Texas obey statutes of limitations strictly, often barring clients who file too late from obtaining any financial recovery. Speak to a Dallas personal injury lawyer for personalized information and advice about your statute of limitations.

Texas Statute of Limitations 27

What Is It?

 A statute of limitations is a type of law you will find in every state. It sets a time limit on filing a claim. Both criminal and civil cases have statutes of limitations. In the criminal courts, statutes of limitations set time limits by which prosecutors must bring charges against a defendant. These time limits vary depending on the alleged crime. In the civil courts, statutes of limitations limit how long an injury party (plaintiff) has to file a claim to damages against a defendant. Civil statutes of limitations vary according to the type of accident.
 Statutes of limitations help keep the justice system just. Without a law requiring plaintiffs to file their personal injury claims by a certain time, a plaintiff could feasibly wait as long as he or she wanted to file. This delaying of justice might not be fair for the defendant, who could lose opportunities to defend himself or herself with the loss of evidence over time. Enforcing statutes of limitations keep things moving through the justice system more efficiently by prompting claimants to file as soon as possible. It is important to know your statute of limitations in Texas if you wish to protect your right to bring a claim.

 How Long Is the Statute of Limitations in Texas?

 As a claimant in a personal injury case in Texas, your statute of limitations will be two years, in most cases. Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code 16.003(a) gives this statute of limitations. With a few exceptions, a filing party has two years after the day of the accident or injury to bring a civil claim in the State of Texas. This is the same statute of limitations as with property damage claims in Texas. During a wrongful death claim in Texas, a plaintiff must bring a cause of action no later than two years after the date of the injured person’s death.
Some types of civil claims come with four-year deadlines in Texas. For example, a claim for financial losses due to a contract dispute can be brought within four years of the action or inaction that allegedly breached the contract. Breaches of fiduciary duty claims are also subject to a four-year deadline in Texas, as are most debt collection and fraud claims. Standard personal injury lawsuits, however, have two-year statutes of limitations, with some exceptions.
 It is important to ask an attorney what your statute of limitations is early on, so you do not accidentally miss your deadline. Some exceptions to the general rule exist; however, the courts will only toll, or extend, a statute of limitations in rare circumstances in Texas. If, for example, you did not discover your injury or illness until a date later than that of the accident, the clock generally will not start ticking until the date of discovery. Other exceptions exist for certain cases with minors (those under 18) and criminal offenses.

What Exceptions Are There to the Statute of Limitations in Texas?

The most common exception to the statute of limitations in Texas is the discovery rule. The discovery rule states that if a claim involves delayed symptoms, this can toll the deadline. If a victim did not discover his or her injury immediately, the clock will not start counting down until the date of injury diagnosis or discovery. If the defendant can prove that another reasonable and prudent plaintiff would have discovered the injury sooner, however, this could shorten the deadline. Common injuries with delayed symptoms include traumatic brain injuries and back injuries.
 Exceptions to Texas’ statute of limitations exist for claims arising from certain crimes, according to Section 16.0045 of the law. If the claim involves alleged child sexual assault, child sexual abuse, child sex trafficking, prostitution of a child, indecency with a child or other such sex crimes against children, the survivor will have 30 years from the date of the offense to file a civil claim.
Another exception to the general rule is in a case based on exposure to asbestos or silica. For asbestos-related injuries, a victim has two years from the date of the exposed victim’s death or the date the claimant serves on a defendant to file. This exception exists because asbestos exposure typically does not result in discoverable illnesses until years later.
Certain maritime claims (claims involving injuries on the water) also have unique statutes of limitations in Texas. The law provides three years to file from the date of an injury or death that occurs on navigable waters during maritime activity. Finally, the statute of limitations on a first-party insurance claim can range from two years to four years in Texas, depending on the language of the insurance contract.
There are also exceptions that can shorten, rather than extend, Texas’ statute of limitations. If you are bringing a tort claim against a government entity in Texas, for example, you will have less than two years to file paperwork. According to Section 101.101 of the Texas Tort Claims Act, a notice of this type of claim must be brought no later than six months from the date of the accident. If you are injured in an accident with a city bus, for example, you will only have six months to file your initial paperwork against the city government.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Children in Texas?

There are also special statutes of limitations on personal injury claims that involve children in Texas. Child victims are not of the age of consent (18), and therefore do not have the mental capacity to bring legal claims in the eyes of the law. The law states that they are not mature enough to make legal decisions for themselves. This rule gives child victims two options when filing personal injury lawsuits:

  • A parent files within two years. A parent who wishes to file an injury claim on behalf of a minor child must do so by the ordinary statute of limitations in Texas – two years of the date of the accident. Either parent can file.
  • The child files within two years of turning 18. In Texas, the statute of limitations on a personal injury case is tolled until a minor reaches the age of majority. Thus, the deadline typically does not come until the victim’s 20th

Texas has a statute of repose that caps the right to file a medical malpractice claim at no more than 10 years from the date of the alleged act of malpractice, even with the discovery rule and a minor victim. This means if the minor was injured by medical malpractice, the claim must be brought within 10 years, even if this deadline comes before the plaintiff’s 20th birthday.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer Right Away

If you do not file your personal injury case before Texas’ statute of limitations, you could forfeit the right to obtain financial recovery, even if you have evidence of the defendant’s fault. It is critical not to wait to speak to an attorney. Waiting until the end of your window of time could mean accidentally missing the time limit.
Waiting to file can also reduce the strength of your evidence. For instance, eyewitnesses may not be able to clearly remember what they saw a year after the accident. Act quickly to contact a personal injury attorney and file your paperwork to protect your rights.
Statutes of limitations are complicated. The law in Texas can have exceptions in special circumstances. Always speak to a personal injury lawyer about your deadline to file as soon as possible after an accident in Texas.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:25 pm

New Texas Laws for 2018

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

You may hear news about state legislation, but you may not know when new laws go into effect. The Texas Legislature was busy during the 2017 session, and a number of new laws came out of this activity. Below are some of new laws this year that you should know about:

SB 1381

Has anyone asked you to show a picture ID with a credit or debit purchase this year? If so, you may already be familiar with one of Texas’ new laws. Under SB 1381, merchants have the right to request identification with every debit or credit purchase. If you can’t provide proof of your identity, then you run the risk of the merchant declining your transaction. Lawmakers hope this measure will help decrease the amount of fraud and identity theft throughout the state. If you’ve never had to show any identification with a credit or debit card purchase, it’s because the measure is not compulsory.

SB 5

Here’s one that might affect the upcoming midterm elections. Under SB 5, lawmakers relaxed a previous voter ID law that many people considered discriminatory against minorities. Now, anyone who wants to vote, but who has difficulty obtaining the required ID, has other options. Under the law, anyone who can demonstrate a “reasonable impediment” to obtaining the required form of identification can show alternate proof, including paychecks, utility bills, or bank statements.

SB 1062

The Texas Legislature also moved to make transferring motor vehicle ownership simpler under state law. As this time, federal law stipulates that all odometer disclosures must occur on a secure form to prevent tampering. Previously, the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles required that a carbon copy of this form go to its office via mail for confirmation, delaying the transfer of ownership. However, under SB 1062, the state now accepts electronic copies, which will streamline the process for everyone involved.

House Bill 1036

This new law aims to enhance women’s health by requiring commercial health insurance providers furnish more comprehensive coverage for breast cancer prevention. Under HB 1036, these carriers must cover the cost of 3-D mammograms, a superior screening tool to the traditional 2-D test. Previously, anyone receiving a mammogram could expect an extra $100 charge for requesting 3-D imaging. This will hopefully aid in the early detection of breast cancer, which is one of the leading causes of death among women nationally.

SB 1381

Some of the laws passed by the state last session aimed to right past wrongs or ease access to important services for all; others were simply practical. SB 1381, now in effect, increased the amount of milk that trailers can haul. Previously, the law allowed milk trailers to transport only 80,000 pounds of milk. Now, the limit is 90,000 pounds. While some people worried that this would lead to faster destruction of area roadways, all truckers who want to carry this amount must pay $1,200 for a permit. The revenue from each permit will go to the counties where the trucks drive through to go toward road maintenance costs.

SB 549

Bingo licenses that never became active were addressed by SB 549. Under the law, organizations that applied for bingo licenses from the Texas Lottery Commission but did not use them within a year can ask for their money back. The law also allows reimbursement of fees if an organization withdraws an application or receives a rejection from the Texas Lottery Commission.
The Texas Legislature passed other laws that became effective this year. Some of these laws may touch your everyday life; others you may never notice, but it’s always good to be aware of how the law is changing where you live and work.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:30 pm