What are Common Problems Catastrophic Accident Survivors Face

Monday, August 7, 2023

Survivors of catastrophic accidents often face a range of physical, emotional, and financial challenges. These challenges can vary depending on the severity of the accident and the nature of the injuries sustained. Some common problems faced by catastrophic accident survivors include:

  1. Severe physical injuries: Catastrophic accidents can result in life-altering
    injuries such as traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, amputations,
    severe burns, and multiple fractures. These injuries may require extensive
    medical treatment, surgeries, and long-term rehabilitation.
  2. Chronic pain and disability: Survivors may experience chronic pain and
    physical disability, impacting their ability to perform daily tasks, work, and
    participate in recreational activities.
  3. Emotional trauma: The psychological impact of a catastrophic accident can
    be significant. Survivors may experience post-traumatic stress disorder
    (PTSD), depression, anxiety, or survivor’s guilt.
  4. Financial strain: The costs associated with medical treatment,
    rehabilitation, adaptive equipment, and ongoing care can be
    overwhelming. Many survivors face financial challenges due to medical bills
    and lost income from being unable to work.
  5. Lifestyle adjustments: Catastrophic accident survivors often need to make
    significant lifestyle adjustments to accommodate their new physical
    limitations. This may involve modifying their living spaces, acquiring
    assistive devices, and learning new ways to perform daily activities.
  6. Impact on relationships: Catastrophic accidents can strain relationships
    with family and friends. Caregivers may experience increased stress and
    emotional burden while adapting to their new roles.
  7. Reduced independence: Depending on the extent of their injuries, survivors
    may experience a loss of independence, relying on others for personal care
    and assistance.
  8. Legal and insurance complexities: Dealing with insurance claims and
    seeking compensation for medical expenses and loss of income can be
    complex and challenging.
  9. Social isolation: Physical limitations and emotional trauma may lead to
    social isolation and feelings of disconnection from friends and the
  10. Uncertain future: Catastrophic accident survivors may face an uncertain
    future, unsure of how their injuries will progress over time and how it will
    impact their quality of life.

Support from family, friends, and healthcare professionals is crucial in helping survivors cope with these challenges. Access to counseling, support groups, and legal assistance can also be beneficial in navigating the aftermath of a catastrophic accident. Additionally, ensuring that survivors have access to appropriate medical care, rehabilitation services, and assistive technology can significantly improve their overall well-being and quality of life.

Was your catastrophic accident caused by someone else’s negligence?

Victims of catastrophic accidents suffer life-altering consequences. Catastrophic accidents are defined by the injuries they cause, forever changing the way a victim’s body functions. These damages often leave individuals unable to function at the same level as they could prior to the incident. Whether a victim suffers from serious burns or a spinal cord injury causing paralysis, many encounter lifelong problems. In order to gain just compensation for your injuries and life altered condition, you will likely need an experienced personal injury lawyer to protect your interests and ensure you are treated fairly in your settlement for your injuries.

How can a personal injury lawyer help a catastrophic accident survivor

A personal injury lawyer can play a vital role in helping a catastrophic accident survivor in several ways:

  1. Legal advice and representation:
    A personal injury lawyer can provide expert legal advice and guide the
    survivor through the complexities of the legal process. They will handle all
    the legal aspects of the case, including filing claims, gathering evidence, and
    negotiating with insurance companies.
  2. Determining liability:
    The lawyer will investigate the accident to determine who was at fault and
    who may be held legally responsible for the injuries. This is crucial in
    establishing a solid case for seeking compensation.
  3. Evaluating damages:
    A personal injury lawyer will assess the full extent of the survivor’s injuries,
    including both immediate and long-term medical needs, rehabilitation, lost
    wages, and potential future expenses. They will ensure that all damages are
    appropriately calculated and accounted for in the claim.
  4. Negotiating fair settlements:
    Insurance companies may try to settle for as little as possible, which may
    not be sufficient to cover the survivor’s needs. A skilled personal injury
    lawyer will negotiate with insurance companies to secure a fair and just
    settlement on behalf of the survivor.
  5. Representing in court:
    If the case goes to trial, the personal injury lawyer will represent the
    survivor in court, presenting the evidence, and advocating for their rights
    and interests.
  6. Access to medical experts:
    Personal injury lawyers often have a network of medical experts who can
    assess the survivor’s injuries and provide expert testimony to strengthen
    the case.
  7. Handling paperwork and deadlines:
    Personal injury claims involve extensive paperwork and strict deadlines. A
    lawyer will ensure that all necessary documents are properly filed and that
    deadlines are met.
  8. Providing emotional support:

Dealing with the aftermath of a catastrophic accident can be emotionally
overwhelming for survivors and their families. A personal injury lawyer can
offer empathy and support throughout the legal process.

  1. Pursuing maximum compensation:
    A personal injury lawyer’s primary goal is to secure fair compensation for
    the survivor to cover medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and
    other damages resulting from the accident.
  2. Explaining legal rights:
    A lawyer will educate the survivor about their legal rights and options,
    empowering them to make informed decisions about their case.
    Overall, a personal injury lawyer’s expertise and experience are invaluable in
    helping catastrophic accident survivors navigate the legal system, ensuring their
    rights are protected, and seeking the compensation they deserve to rebuild their
    lives after such a life-changing event.
    A Board Certified Personal Injury Lawyer can help you with:

Financial Issues

Catastrophic injuries either prevent those affected from ever performing work at the same level of functionality, or the injury requires long-term medical help, including care, rehabilitative treatments, medication, and surgery. Medical expenses and a lack of income generation can cause financial complications quickly in the aftermath of an accident. For many, these injuries affect the victim’s
income generation as well as a caregiver’s ability to earn a competitive income. In some cases, a caregiver may not be able to earn any extra income while treating an injured relative.

Quality of Life Difficulties

Those who never fully recover from a catastrophic injury often face a significantly decreased quality of life. For example, a parent may never play ball with his kids. Someone may never be able to travel independently again. In the blink of an eye, a person’s world can turn upside down after a catastrophic accident. Even those who do make a full recovery may face life-altering consequences. Think about the college ball star who gets into a car accident and has to undergo several surgeries
to regain functionality. He or she may lose scholarships, be unable to perform ever again, and get so far behind at school that continuing on the same path no longer makes sense. Family members affected by the deaths that result from catastrophic accidents also experience devastating problems. Children, for instance, may never get guidance from a parent. Spouses often lose the companionship of their partners.

Emotional Distress

In addition to the physical consequences of a catastrophic accident, victims and family members may experience serious emotional problems. Trying to adjust to the injuries and reliving the accident in their heads can cause PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other serious mental health disorders. Almost every survivor of a catastrophic accident goes through some level of emotional distress, regardless of
the injuries sustained. Serious injuries may also affect an individual’s motor functioning or brain processing. The life of a victim can be incredibly lonely, making community support and family involvement an important part of the healing process.

Lack of Guidance

After an accident, survivors and their family members may not have a clear understanding about where to turn for guidance. Many must make serious work-related and medical help decisions while answering questions from investigators and absorbing the full impact of how life has changed. Not having access to legal, medical, and support resources can make the process much more difficult for
everyone involved. Texas has a number of helpful state-run resources for accident victims undergoing rehabilitation and those trying to get back into the workforce. Catastrophic accident victims also have the ability to explore legal recourse with an experienced counselor. Filing a personal injury claim against the individual responsible for the accident is one-way victims can overcome the common
problems posed by severe accidents and start to move forward with their lives.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 7:26 am

Slip and Fall Personal Injury Settlements with Surgery in the San Antonio Area of Texas

Monday, August 7, 2023

The settlement value of a slip and fall personal injury case that involves surgery is typically higher than cases without surgical intervention. The inclusion of surgery adds significant medical expenses, pain, and suffering, which are crucial factors in determining the settlement amount. However, as each case is unique, it’s challenging to provide an exact figure, and the actual settlement will depend on various factors such as:

  1. Type and Extent of Surgery: The nature of the surgery, its complexity, and the extent of the procedure will influence the settlement value. Major surgeries with longer recovery times generally result in higher settlement amounts.
  2. Medical Expenses: The total medical expenses related to the slip and fall injury, including surgery, hospitalization, follow-up treatments, rehabilitation, and medications, are considered when calculating the settlement.
  3. Pain and Suffering: The physical and emotional pain and suffering endured due to the slip and fall injury and the surgery are significant factors in determining the settlement value.
  4. Lost Wages and Future Earnings: If the surgery caused you to miss work or impacted your ability to earn in the future, compensation for lost wages and diminished earning capacity may be included in the settlement.
  5. Long-term Effects: If the surgery has left you with long-term or permanent disabilities or impairments, the settlement value may increase to account for ongoing medical care and potential life-altering effects.
  6. Liability and Negligence: Establishing liability and proving that the property owner or another party was negligent in causing the slip and fall accident is crucial in determining the settlement amount.
  7. Insurance Coverage: The available insurance coverage, both from the liable party and your own insurance policies, can also impact the potential settlement amount.

Having an experienced personal injury attorney is vital in such cases, as they can assess the full extent of your damages, negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

If you have undergone surgery due to a slip and fall injury, seek medical attention immediately and consult with a personal injury attorney to understand your rights and options. They can evaluate the specifics of your case and provide a more accurate estimate of the potential settlement value based on the unique circumstances involved.

What Is a Settlement?

First and foremost, it is crucial to understand what a settlement is and what it means for you. Generally, a settlement is an agreed-upon amount of compensation that occurs outside of court. It is negotiated between the parties without the need for judicial intervention. A settlement will also typically dispel the defendant of any further liability or responsibility. Most cases resolve in a settlement, and only a small percentage go to trial. It is possible to negotiate a settlement on your own, but if you are inexperienced at negotiating with insurance companies, there is a high likelihood that you will not get the adjuster to give you what your case is worth. Insurance adjusters work to save their company money and pay you as little as possible. Therefore, it is best to have an experienced personal injury lawyer deal with the insurance company or defendant. Settlements will vary widely from case to case, not just in the amount but also in the type of settlement. Settlements can be in the form of lump sum payments or incremental payments. 

Slip-and-Fall Settlements

While there is no precise settlement calculator, several factors will be considered when determining slip and fall settlements. These include the following:

  • The severity of your injuries,
  • Present and future medical costs,
  • Lost wages,
  • Insurance policy limits, and
  • Applicable law.

A jury or judge will use these same factors when rendering an award should a case proceed to trial. 

Common Slip-and-Fall Injuries

There are a plethora of injuries that could occur as a result of a slip and fall, some more severe than others. Common slip-and-fall injuries include the following:

  • Broken bones,
  • Concussions,
  • Other traumatic brain injuries,
  • Spinal cord and neck injuries,
  • Wrist injuries,
  • Cuts and scrapes,
  • Hip fractures, and
  • Chronic pain.

A slip-and-fall accident can result in multiple injuries at once. Many of these require extensive medical treatment, including surgery and rehabilitation. In addition, many slip-and-fall injuries are not immediately apparent but manifest over hours, days, or weeks. If you are a victim of a slip-and-fall accident, it is imperative to seek legal representation as soon as possible. 

Types of Damages

There are generally three types of damages in slip and fall cases: economic, noneconomic, and punitive damages. Economic damages are intended to cover actual, calculable costs incurred due to your injuries, including medical bills and lost wages. Noneconomic damages are subjective or intangible losses that compensate you for the negative impact your slip-and-fall injuries have on your life. These include pain and suffering, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium.  While it is common for plaintiffs to recover economic and non-economic damages, only a tiny percentage recover punitive damages. Punitive damages are intended to punish a defendant for particularly egregious conduct.  Texas follows a modified comparative negligence standard, allowing a plaintiff to recover damages only if their percentage of fault for the fall is less than 51%. If a plaintiff is more than 51% at fault, they will likely be barred from compensation altogether.

Slip-and-Fall Settlements with Surgery

With the type of damages in mind, it is reasonable to conclude that slip-and-fall accident settlements will be larger for people who require surgery than for those who do not need surgery. Since economic damages are intended to cover the plaintiff’s medical bills, treatment requiring surgery is likely to have a higher price tag.  Typically, injuries requiring surgical repair are relatively severe. For instance, a broken hip requiring hip pinning is much more severe than a couple of bumps and bruises that merely require over-the-counter pain medication.  Slip-and-fall injuries resulting in surgical repair are also more likely to increase your noneconomic damages, mainly because of the extensive recovery period. You may be unable to work, engage in household chores, or participate in the social activities or sports you enjoyed before your injury. The inability to participate in these activities may be temporary or permanent, depending on the extent of your injuries. Still, it can undoubtedly lead to emotional distress, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and more. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 7:10 am

What to Expect After Sending a Demand Letter in Your San Antonio Personal Injury Case

Monday, August 7, 2023

If you’ve sent a demand letter in your San Antonio personal injury case, you may be wondering how long it will take to reach a settlement. While every case is unique, there are some general timelines and factors to consider when it comes to settling your case. Understanding the process can help you manage your expectations and make informed decisions moving forward.

The purpose of a demand letter in a personal injury case.

The purpose of a demand letter in a personal injury case is to formally request compensation for your injuries and damages from the responsible party. It is a crucial step in the negotiation process and sets the tone for potential settlement discussions. The demand letter outlines the details of the accident, the injuries sustained, and the financial losses incurred as a result. It also includes a specific monetary amount that you are seeking as compensation. The letter is typically sent to the insurance company or the attorney representing the at-fault party, and it serves as a starting point for negotiations towards a fair settlement.

How to properly draft and send a demand letter.

Drafting and sending a demand letter in your San Antonio personal injury case requires careful attention to detail and a clear understanding of the process. Here are some steps to help you properly draft and send your demand letter:

  1. Gather all necessary information: Before drafting your demand letter, gather all relevant information about the accident, your injuries, and the financial losses you have incurred. This includes medical records, bills, receipts, and any other documentation that supports your claim.
  2. Clearly state your purpose: Begin your demand letter by clearly stating your purpose, which is to request compensation for your injuries and damages. Be concise and specific in describing the accident and the injuries you have suffered.
  3. Outline your damages: In the body of the letter, provide a detailed account of the damages you have incurred as a result of the accident. This may include medical expenses, lost wages, property damage, and pain and suffering. Use supporting documentation to substantiate your claims.
  4. Specify the amount of compensation: Clearly state the specific amount of compensation you are seeking in your demand letter. This should be a reasonable and fair amount based on your damages and the impact the accident has had on your life.
  5. Set a deadline for response: Include a deadline for the insurance company or the at-fault party’s attorney to respond to your demand letter. This will help ensure that your case moves forward in a timely manner.
  6. Proofread and edit: Before sending your demand letter, carefully proofread and edit it for clarity, grammar, and spelling errors. A well-written and professional letter will make a stronger impression.
  7. Send the letter via certified mail: It is important to send your demand letter via certified mail with a return receipt requested. This provides proof that the letter was sent and received by the intended recipient.

By following these steps, you can properly draft and send a demand letter that effectively communicates your claim for compensation in your San Antonio personal injury case.

The response timeline from the opposing party.

After sending a demand letter in your San Antonio personal injury case, it is important to understand the timeline for the opposing party’s response. Typically, the opposing party has a certain amount of time to review your demand letter and respond. This timeline can vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case and the jurisdiction in which it is being handled. In some cases, the opposing party may respond within a few weeks, while in others it may take several months. It is important to be patient during this process and to consult with your attorney for guidance on what to expect.

Negotiating a settlement offer.

Once the opposing party has reviewed your demand letter, they may choose to make a settlement offer. This is a proposed amount of compensation that they are willing to pay to resolve the case. Negotiating a settlement offer is a crucial step in the personal injury claims process. Your attorney will work with you to evaluate the offer and determine if it is fair and reasonable based on the damages you have suffered. If the offer is too low, your attorney will negotiate with the opposing party to try to reach a higher settlement amount. It is important to have a skilled negotiator on your side to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

The potential outcomes if a settlement cannot be reached.

If a settlement cannot be reached after sending a demand letter in your San Antonio personal injury case, there are several potential outcomes. One possibility is that the case may proceed to litigation, where it will be resolved through a trial in court. This can be a lengthy and costly process, so it is important to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before deciding to pursue litigation. Another option is alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or arbitration, where a neutral third party helps facilitate a resolution between the parties. These methods can be less formal and more efficient than litigation, but the outcome will still depend on the willingness of both parties to negotiate and reach a compromise. Ultimately, the best course of action will depend on the specific circumstances of your case and the advice of your attorney.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 7:00 am

Navigating the Legal Maze: Why Board-Certified Car Accident Lawyers in San Antonio are Essential

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

In today’s fast-paced world, car accidents are unfortunately a common occurrence. When faced with the aftermath of a car accident, navigating the legal maze can be overwhelming and confusing. That’s where board-certified car accident lawyers in San Antonio come in. These legal professionals possess a specialized expertise in handling car accident cases, ensuring that their clients receive the best possible representation. With their in-depth knowledge of the legal system and years of experience, board-certified car accident lawyers are essential in helping accident victims navigate the complex legal process and obtain the compensation they deserve. From gathering evidence to negotiating with insurance companies, these lawyers are skilled in every aspect of car accident law. By entrusting your case to a board-certified car accident lawyer in San Antonio, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have a dedicated advocate fighting for your rights and best interests. Don’t let the legal maze overwhelm you – seek the expertise of a board-certified car accident lawyer and let them guide you through the process with confidence.

Understanding the legal maze after a car accident

Getting involved in a car accident is a traumatic experience that can leave you physically injured and emotionally shaken. However, dealing with the legal aftermath can often be just as challenging. After a car accident, there are a multitude of legal considerations that must be taken into account. From filing insurance claims to gathering evidence and negotiating settlements, the process can quickly become overwhelming, especially for those who are unfamiliar with the legal system. This is where a board-certified car accident lawyer can be invaluable. These legal professionals have a deep understanding of car accident laws and can guide you through the complex legal maze, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

The importance of hiring a board-certified car accident lawyer

When it comes to handling a car accident case, hiring a board-certified car accident lawyer is essential. Unlike general practice lawyers who handle a wide range of legal matters, board-certified car accident lawyers specialize exclusively in car accident law. This specialization allows them to develop a deep understanding of the intricacies and nuances of car accident cases, making them highly effective advocates for their clients. By choosing a board-certified car accident lawyer, you can rest assured that your attorney has the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate the legal process with skill and precision.

What is board certification and why does it matter?

Board certification is a distinction awarded to lawyers who have demonstrated exceptional expertise in a specific area of law. To become board-certified, lawyers must undergo a rigorous evaluation process that includes peer review, written examination, and demonstration of substantial experience in their chosen field. Board certification is a mark of excellence and indicates that an attorney has met the highest standards of professional competence in their area of specialization. When it comes to car accident cases, hiring a board-certified lawyer is crucial. This certification ensures that your attorney has a deep understanding of the complexities of car accident law and is equipped with the skills necessary to handle your case effectively.

The benefits of hiring a board-certified car accident lawyer in San Antonio

When you hire a board-certified car accident lawyer in San Antonio, you gain access to a wealth of benefits. These lawyers have a comprehensive knowledge of the local legal landscape and are familiar with the specific laws and regulations that govern car accident cases in San Antonio. This familiarity allows them to navigate the legal process more efficiently and effectively, ensuring that your case is handled with the utmost care and attention. Additionally, board-certified car accident lawyers have established relationships with insurance companies and other key players in the legal system, which can be invaluable when it comes to negotiating settlements and securing the compensation you deserve. By hiring a board-certified car accident lawyer in San Antonio, you can level the playing field and increase your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome.

The expertise and experience of board-certified car accident lawyers

One of the primary advantages of hiring a board-certified car accident lawyer is their expertise and experience in handling car accident cases. These lawyers have spent years honing their skills and developing a deep understanding of the laws and regulations that govern car accidents. They have successfully represented numerous clients in similar cases and are well-versed in the strategies and tactics that can lead to a favorable outcome. When you hire a board-certified car accident lawyer, you benefit from their extensive knowledge and experience, giving you a significant advantage in your case.

How board-certified car accident lawyers navigate the legal process

The legal process following a car accident can be complex and confusing. From gathering evidence to filing insurance claims and negotiating settlements, there are numerous steps that must be taken to ensure a successful outcome. Board-certified car accident lawyers are skilled at navigating this process and can guide you every step of the way. They will conduct a thorough investigation of the accident, gather evidence, interview witnesses, and work with experts to build a strong case on your behalf. Additionally, they will handle all communication with insurance companies, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve.

The role of board-certified car accident lawyers in negotiating settlements

Negotiating a fair settlement after a car accident is often a complex and challenging process. Insurance companies are notorious for offering lowball settlements in an attempt to minimize their financial liability. Board-certified car accident lawyers are skilled negotiators who have experience dealing with insurance companies. They understand the tactics that insurance adjusters use and can effectively counter their arguments to secure a fair settlement on your behalf. By hiring a board-certified car accident lawyer, you can level the playing field and increase your chances of obtaining the maximum compensation available.

Board-certified car accident lawyers vs. general practice lawyers

While general practice lawyers may be competent in handling a wide range of legal matters, they often lack the specialized knowledge and experience necessary to effectively handle car accident cases. Board-certified car accident lawyers, on the other hand, have dedicated their careers to mastering the intricacies of car accident law. They possess a deep understanding of the legal and technical aspects of car accidents and can apply this knowledge to build a strong case on your behalf. By hiring a board-certified car accident lawyer, you can ensure that you have an experienced professional advocating for your rights and best interests.

How to find and choose the right board-certified car accident lawyer in San Antonio

When it comes to choosing a board-certified car accident lawyer in San Antonio, there are several factors to consider. Start by researching local law firms and attorneys specializing in car accident cases. Look for board-certified lawyers who have a proven track record of success in handling car accident cases similar to yours. Read client reviews and testimonials to get a sense of their reputation and level of client satisfaction. Additionally, schedule consultations with potential lawyers to discuss your case and gauge their level of expertise and professionalism. By taking the time to find and choose the right board-certified car accident lawyer, you can ensure that you have a skilled advocate on your side.

Conclusion: Why board-certified car accident lawyers are essential in navigating the legal maze

Navigating the legal maze after a car accident can be overwhelming and confusing. The complex nature of car accident cases requires specialized knowledge and experience, which is why hiring a board-certified car accident lawyer is essential. These legal professionals possess the expertise and skills necessary to guide you through the legal process with confidence. From gathering evidence to negotiating settlements, they will handle every aspect of your case, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been involved in a car accident in San Antonio, don’t let the legal maze overwhelm you. Seek the assistance of a board-certified car accident lawyer and let them navigate the complex legal process on your behalf. With their help, you can focus on your recovery while knowing that you have a dedicated advocate fighting for your rights and best interests.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 8:20 am

The Unfortunate Reality: Scaffolding Accidents in San Antonio and How to Prevent Them

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

In the bustling city of San Antonio, construction sites are a common sight. With numerous skyscrapers and buildings being erected at every corner, scaffoldings have become an essential part of the construction process. However, amidst the progress and development, there lies an unfortunate reality – scaffolding accidents. These accidents not only jeopardize the safety and well-being of the workers but also pose a significant risk to the overall construction project. As a highly skilled assistant specializing in digital marketing, I have delved deep into this issue to shed light on the causes of these accidents and, more importantly, how they can be prevented. In this article, we will explore the common causes behind scaffolding accidents, the impact they have on the workers and the construction industry, and the proactive measures that can be taken to ensure a safe working environment. Join me as we uncover the steps and precautions that can be implemented to prevent these unfortunate accidents and strive towards a safer San Antonio.

The Frequency and Severity of Scaffolding Accidents

Scaffolding accidents are more common than one might think, and their consequences can be severe. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), falls from heights, including falls from scaffolding, are one of the leading causes of death in the construction industry. In fact, about 40% of construction-related fatalities are attributed to falls. These accidents not only result in fatalities but also lead to numerous injuries, ranging from broken bones to traumatic brain injuries.

One of the reasons scaffolding accidents occur frequently is the lack of proper safety measures and precautions. Many construction companies prioritize completing projects on time and within budget, often neglecting the importance of worker safety. This negligence can have devastating consequences, both for the workers involved and the reputation of the construction industry as a whole.

To address this issue, it is crucial to delve into the common causes of scaffolding accidents and identify the steps that can be taken to prevent them.

Common Causes of Scaffolding Accidents

Scaffolding accidents can occur due to a variety of reasons, and understanding these causes is essential for preventing future incidents. One of the primary causes is improper installation and assembly of scaffolding. When scaffoldings are not erected correctly or are not secured properly, they can collapse or become unstable, leading to accidents.

Another common cause of scaffolding accidents is the lack of proper training and supervision. Workers who are not adequately trained in scaffolding safety procedures may not be aware of the potential risks and the correct ways to mitigate them. Without proper guidance, workers may unknowingly engage in unsafe practices, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

Additionally, scaffolding accidents can occur due to environmental factors such as adverse weather conditions. High winds, heavy rain, or slippery surfaces can make scaffoldings unstable and increase the risk of falls and other accidents.

The Importance of Proper Training and Education

To prevent scaffolding accidents, it is crucial to prioritize proper training and education for all workers involved in construction projects. Training programs should cover topics such as scaffold assembly, inspection, and dismantling, as well as safe work practices while using scaffoldings.

By providing comprehensive training, employers can ensure that workers are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify potential hazards and take appropriate measures to prevent accidents. Regular refresher courses and ongoing education can also help reinforce safe practices and keep workers updated on any changes in safety regulations.

Moreover, supervisors and team leaders should play an active role in providing guidance and supervision to workers using scaffoldings. Regular safety meetings and toolbox talks can serve as platforms to address any concerns, clarify safety procedures, and reinforce the importance of adhering to safety guidelines.

OSHA Regulations and Guidelines for Scaffolding Safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has established regulations and guidelines specifically aimed at scaffolding safety. These regulations outline the minimum safety requirements that employers must follow to ensure the well-being of workers using scaffoldings.

Some of the key OSHA regulations include:

1. Ensuring that scaffoldings are capable of supporting their own weight and at least four times the maximum intended load.

2. Regular inspection of scaffoldings by a competent person before each work shift and after any incidents that may affect their structural integrity.

3. Providing fall protection systems, such as guardrails and personal fall arrest systems, to prevent falls from scaffoldings.

4. Prohibiting the use of scaffoldings during storms, high winds, or other adverse weather conditions that could compromise their stability.

By adhering to these regulations, employers can significantly reduce the risk of scaffolding accidents and create a safer working environment for their employees.

Best Practices for Preventing Scaffolding Accidents

In addition to following OSHA regulations, there are several best practices that construction companies and workers can implement to prevent scaffolding accidents. These practices can help create a culture of safety and ensure that every individual is actively engaged in maintaining a secure work environment.

One of the key best practices is conducting regular safety inspections of scaffoldings. These inspections should be performed by competent individuals who have received proper training in scaffold safety. Inspections should check for any signs of damage, instability, or potential hazards, and any issues should be promptly addressed and resolved.

Another crucial aspect of preventing scaffolding accidents is the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE). Workers should be provided with and required to wear appropriate PPE, such as hard hats, safety harnesses, and non-slip footwear. Additionally, workers should be trained on how to use and maintain their PPE effectively.

Furthermore, communication and collaboration among workers are essential for maintaining a safe working environment. Workers should be encouraged to report any safety concerns or incidents promptly, and supervisors should address these concerns immediately. Regular safety meetings and toolbox talks can also serve as platforms to discuss safety procedures, share lessons learned from past incidents, and promote a collective commitment to safety.

Safety Equipment and Inspections for Scaffolding

The proper use of safety equipment is crucial for preventing scaffolding accidents. Alongside personal protective equipment (PPE), additional safety measures can be implemented to enhance scaffold safety.

One such measure is the installation of guardrails. Guardrails provide a physical barrier that prevents workers from accidentally falling off the scaffoldings. OSHA regulations require guardrails to be installed on scaffolds that are more than 10 feet above the ground or floor level.

Another important safety equipment is the use of personal fall arrest systems (PFAS). PFAS consists of a harness, a lanyard, and an anchor point, and it is designed to arrest a worker’s fall should they slip or lose balance on a scaffold. PFAS should be properly inspected, maintained, and used according to manufacturer guidelines.

Regular inspections of scaffoldings are crucial to identify any potential issues or hazards that may compromise their safety. These inspections should be conducted by a competent person who is knowledgeable about scaffold safety. Inspections should cover structural integrity, stability, proper assembly, and the condition of components such as planks and guardrails.

Case Studies of Scaffolding Accidents in San Antonio

To further emphasize the importance of preventing scaffolding accidents, let’s take a look at a couple of case studies from San Antonio.

**Case Study 1:**

In 2018, a construction worker in San Antonio fell from a scaffold and suffered severe injuries. The accident occurred due to improper installation and inadequate safety measures. The construction company was found to have neglected OSHA regulations and failed to provide necessary training and supervision to its workers. As a result, the company faced significant legal consequences and damage to its reputation.

**Case Study 2:**

In 2020, another scaffolding accident occurred in San Antonio, resulting in the death of a worker. The accident was caused by a faulty scaffold that collapsed due to poor assembly and insufficient structural support. The construction company was found to have ignored safety guidelines and failed to conduct proper inspections. The tragedy not only led to a loss of life but also highlighted the dire need for improved safety measures in the construction industry.

These case studies serve as sobering reminders of the devastating consequences that scaffolding accidents can have on workers and the construction industry as a whole. It is essential for construction companies to learn from these incidents and take proactive measures to prevent similar accidents in the future.

Legal Considerations and Liability in Scaffolding Accidents

Scaffolding accidents can have legal implications, and it is crucial for all parties involved to understand their responsibilities and potential liabilities. Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe working environment for their employees, including ensuring the proper installation and maintenance of scaffoldings, providing necessary training, and following OSHA regulations.

Failure to meet these obligations can result in legal consequences, including fines, penalties, and possible lawsuits. In the event of a scaffolding accident, employers may be held liable for any injuries or fatalities that occur due to their negligence or failure to meet safety standards.

Workers, on the other hand, also have a responsibility to follow safety guidelines, use provided safety equipment correctly, and report any safety concerns to their supervisors. By adhering to these responsibilities, workers can help ensure their own safety and contribute to the prevention of scaffolding accidents.

Conclusion and Call to Action for Improved Scaffolding Safety Measures

Scaffolding accidents in San Antonio are an unfortunate reality that must be addressed. The frequency and severity of these accidents highlight the need for proactive measures to prevent future incidents. By prioritizing proper training and education, following OSHA regulations and guidelines, implementing best practices, and conducting regular inspections, construction companies can create a safer working environment for their employees.

It is essential for all stakeholders in the construction industry, including employers, workers, and regulatory bodies, to collaborate and work towards improved scaffolding safety measures. By doing so, we can strive towards a safer San Antonio, where construction projects can progress without compromising the well-being of those involved.

Preventing scaffolding accidents is not only a legal and moral responsibility but also a necessary step towards upholding the reputation of the construction industry and ensuring the safety and livelihoods of workers. Let us join hands and commit to making San Antonio a city where scaffolding accidents become a thing of the past. Together, we can build a safer future.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 8:04 am

The Alarming Rise of Pedestrian Accidents in Texas: What You Need to Know

Saturday, July 29, 2023

In recent years, Texas has experienced a worrisome surge in pedestrian accidents, raising concerns among both residents and authorities. As the Lone Star State continues to grow and urbanize, the roads have become increasingly crowded, leading to a dangerous environment for pedestrians. The statistics are alarming, with a significant increase in pedestrian fatalities and injuries. This trend has prompted the need for a deeper understanding of the causes, consequences, and preventive measures surrounding these accidents.

In this article, we will delve into the factors contributing to the rise of pedestrian accidents in Texas and provide essential information that every Texan needs to know. From distracted driving to inadequate pedestrian infrastructure, we will explore the various elements that play a role in these accidents. Additionally, we will discuss the legal rights of pedestrians and offer tips on how to stay safe while navigating the streets of Texas. By raising awareness and promoting responsible behavior, we can work together to make our roads safer for everyone.

Factors Contributing to the Rise in Pedestrian Accidents

Texas’ rapid population growth and urban development have significantly contributed to the rise in pedestrian accidents. As more people move to Texas, the roads have become increasingly congested, increasing the likelihood of accidents involving pedestrians.

Additionally, the lack of proper pedestrian infrastructure, such as sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian-friendly traffic signals, has made it more challenging for pedestrians to navigate safely.

Furthermore, distracted driving has become a prevalent issue, with drivers frequently using their phones or engaging in other distracting behaviors while behind the wheel. These factors combined have created a perfect storm for the alarming increase in pedestrian accidents in Texas.

Pedestrian Accident Statistics in Texas

In Texas, TxDOT data for 2022 shows 825 deadly traffic crashes involving pedestrians, which resulted in 828 deaths. In 2021, TxDOT says there were 5,370 crashes involving pedestrians which resulted in 843 deaths, a 15 percent increase in pedestrian deaths over the previous year.

These numbers highlight the urgent need for action to address the growing concern of pedestrian safety in Texas. By understanding the statistics, we can better grasp the severity of the issue and the importance of implementing preventive measures.

Common Causes of Pedestrian Accidents

Several factors contribute to pedestrian accidents in Texas. One of the primary causes is distracted driving. With the widespread use of smartphones and other electronic devices, drivers often find themselves distracted, taking their attention away from the road and increasing the risk of colliding with pedestrians. Another common cause is failure to yield the right of way.

Drivers frequently fail to give pedestrians the right of way at crosswalks or when making turns, leading to dangerous situations. Poorly designed or inadequate pedestrian infrastructure also plays a role, as it forces pedestrians to navigate unsafe routes or cross busy roads without proper crosswalks. Additionally, drivers exceeding speed limits or violating traffic laws contribute to the rising number of pedestrian accidents in Texas.

Understanding Pedestrian Rights and Responsibilities

As pedestrians, it is crucial to understand our rights and responsibilities on the road to ensure our safety. Pedestrians have the right of way at marked crosswalks and unmarked intersections. However, it is essential to exercise caution and not assume that drivers will always yield.

Pedestrians should always use designated crosswalks when available and wait for the appropriate signal before crossing. It is also crucial to avoid distractions while walking, such as using smartphones or wearing headphones, as these can impair our ability to notice potential hazards. By understanding our rights and responsibilities, we can take proactive steps to protect ourselves on the road.

Tips for Pedestrians to Stay Safe on the Road

Navigating the streets of Texas as a pedestrian can be challenging, but there are steps we can take to stay safe. First and foremost, it is crucial to be aware of our surroundings and make eye contact with drivers before crossing the road. Using designated crosswalks and obeying traffic signals are essential for our safety.

Wearing bright, reflective clothing and using a flashlight when walking at night can increase our visibility to drivers. Additionally, it is crucial to stay off the road when under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as impaired judgment can lead to dangerous situations. By following these tips, pedestrians can significantly reduce their risk of being involved in an accident.

Tips for Drivers to Prevent Pedestrian Accidents

As drivers, we have a responsibility to prioritize the safety of pedestrians on the road. One of the most critical steps we can take is eliminating distractions while driving, such as using our phones or engaging in other activities that take our attention away from the road. It is essential to always yield the right of way to pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections. When turning, be sure to check for pedestrians in the designated crosswalk before proceeding.

Adhering to speed limits and other traffic laws is crucial, as excessive speed can reduce our ability to react in time to avoid colliding with pedestrians. By adopting these responsible driving habits, we can help create a safer environment for pedestrians in Texas.

Legal Implications and Consequences of Pedestrian Accidents

When a pedestrian accident occurs, there are legal implications and consequences for both the driver and the injured pedestrian. Drivers who fail to exercise reasonable care and cause harm to pedestrians can be held liable for the injuries and damages they cause. Pedestrians who are injured in accidents often have the right to seek compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other damages.

It is crucial for both drivers and pedestrians to be aware of their legal rights and responsibilities in the event of an accident. Seeking legal advice from experienced professionals can help ensure that the rights of all parties involved are protected and that appropriate legal action is taken.

Support and Resources for Pedestrian Accident Victims

For those who have been involved in pedestrian accidents, there are resources and support available to help navigate the aftermath. Local organizations and support groups provide assistance to victims and their families, offering emotional support and guidance throughout the recovery process.

Additionally, legal professionals specializing in personal injury law can provide valuable advice and representation to ensure that victims receive the compensation they deserve. By seeking the necessary support and resources, pedestrian accident victims can take steps towards rebuilding their lives and securing their future.

Conclusion and Call to Action for Increased Pedestrian Safety Measures in Texas

The alarming rise in pedestrian accidents in Texas is a pressing issue that demands immediate attention. By understanding the contributing factors, statistics, and legal implications surrounding these accidents, we can work towards implementing effective preventive measures. Both pedestrians and drivers play a crucial role in ensuring road safety.

By raising awareness, adhering to traffic laws, and practicing responsible behavior, we can protect ourselves and others on the road. It is essential for authorities and communities to invest in improved pedestrian infrastructure, such as well-designed crosswalks, sidewalks, and traffic signals, to create a safer environment for pedestrians. Together, we can strive towards reducing the number of pedestrian accidents in Texas and making our roads safer for everyone.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:48 am

What to Do When You Witness an Accident in Texas: A Guide to Responsibly Responding

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Accidents can happen at any time and in any place, and when we witness them, it’s crucial to know how to respond responsibly. In the state of Texas, where bustling highways and busy intersections are a part of everyday life, being prepared to act swiftly and effectively is essential. Whether you come across a minor fender bender or a more serious collision, knowing the appropriate steps to take can make a significant difference in the outcome for those involved. In this guide, we will explore what to do when you witness an accident in Texas, providing you with the knowledge and tools to respond in a calm and responsible manner.

From ensuring the safety of all parties involved to contacting the necessary authorities, we will cover the essential steps to take, ensuring that you can offer assistance while keeping yourself and others out of harm’s way. So, let’s dive in and discover how you can make a difference when you find yourself in this unexpected situation.

Understanding your legal obligations as a witness

As a witness to an accident in Texas, you have certain legal obligations that you need to be aware of. It is important to understand that your role as a witness is to provide an accurate account of what you saw and heard. Your testimony can be crucial in determining fault and liability, and it can greatly impact the outcome of any legal proceedings that may follow the accident. It is therefore essential that you take your responsibilities as a witness seriously.

One of the first things you should do as a witness is to remain at the scene of the accident until law enforcement arrives. Leaving the scene prematurely can lead to legal consequences, and it can also hinder the investigation process. By staying at the scene, you can ensure that you are available to provide your account of the events to the authorities.

In addition to staying at the scene, you should also avoid discussing the accident with anyone other than the police and your legal counsel. Giving statements to insurance adjusters or discussing the accident on social media can potentially compromise your credibility as a witness. It is best to leave the investigation and communication to the appropriate authorities and legal professionals.

Remember, your role as a witness is to provide an accurate account of the accident, not to assign blame or speculate on what may have happened. Stick to the facts as you observed them, and let the legal process take its course.

Assessing the situation and ensuring your safety

When you witness an accident in Texas, it is important to first assess the situation and ensure your own safety. Before rushing to provide assistance, take a moment to evaluate the scene and determine if there are any immediate dangers.

If the accident has occurred on a busy highway or intersection, it is essential to exercise caution and move to a safe location. Turn on your hazard lights, and if possible, pull over to the side of the road or find a safe spot away from traffic. This will help prevent any further accidents or injuries.

Once you have ensured your own safety, carefully evaluate the accident scene and the condition of those involved. If you notice any immediate danger, such as smoke or fire, it is crucial to act quickly. Alert the authorities and help evacuate anyone who may be at risk.

If the accident appears to be minor and there are no immediate dangers, keep a safe distance and wait for the authorities to arrive. It may be tempting to rush in and provide assistance, but it is important to remember that you are not a trained medical professional. Your primary role as a witness is to ensure that the appropriate authorities are notified and that you can provide an accurate account of the events.

Contacting emergency services

Once you have assessed the situation and ensured your own safety, the next step is to contact emergency services. In Texas, the emergency number to dial is 911. When making the call, be prepared to provide the following information:

– Your name and location

– The location of the accident

– The number of vehicles involved

– A brief description of the accident and any injuries

It is important to remain calm and provide clear and concise information to the operator. This will help emergency services respond quickly and appropriately to the situation.

After contacting emergency services, it is crucial to stay on the line until the operator tells you it is safe to hang up. They may need to gather additional information or provide you with instructions on how to assist those involved in the accident. It is important to follow their guidance and cooperate fully.

Providing accurate information to emergency responders

When emergency responders arrive at the scene, it is important to provide them with accurate and detailed information about what you witnessed. This includes any relevant details about the accident, such as the sequence of events, the positions of the vehicles involved, and any other factors that may have contributed to the accident.

Be prepared to answer any questions the responders may have, and provide your contact information in case they need to follow up with you later. Remember, your role as a witness is to assist the authorities in their investigation, so it is important to provide as much information as possible.

Offering assistance to those involved in the accident

While it is important to be cautious and avoid putting yourself in harm’s way, there may be situations where you can offer assistance to those involved in the accident. If you have received basic first aid training and feel comfortable providing assistance, you can offer to help with minor injuries until medical professionals arrive.

Keep in mind that you should only provide assistance within the limits of your training and comfort level. If someone is seriously injured or unconscious, it is best to wait for medical professionals to arrive. They have the necessary training and equipment to provide proper care.

If you are unable or uncomfortable providing physical assistance, you can still offer support and reassurance to those involved. Being present and offering a calming presence can make a significant difference in a stressful situation.

Documenting the accident scene

As a witness, it is important to document the accident scene to the best of your ability. This includes taking photographs or videos of the vehicles involved, the positions of the vehicles, and any visible damage. These visual records can be valuable evidence in any legal proceedings that may follow the accident.

Additionally, you should also take notes about what you observed. This can include details about the weather conditions, the behavior of those involved, and any other relevant information. The more detailed your documentation, the more helpful it can be in reconstructing the events leading up to the accident.

Providing a statement to law enforcement

When law enforcement arrives at the scene, they will likely want to speak with you as a witness. It is important to provide an accurate and detailed statement about what you witnessed. Stick to the facts as you observed them and avoid speculating or making assumptions.

Answer any questions the officer asks to the best of your ability and provide any additional information that may be relevant to the investigation. Be cooperative and respectful throughout the process, as your statement can greatly impact the outcome of any legal proceedings.

Cooperating with law enforcement and insurance companies

After providing your statement to law enforcement, you may also be contacted by insurance companies representing those involved in the accident. It is important to remember that you are under no obligation to speak with insurance adjusters or provide them with any information.

If you do choose to speak with insurance adjusters, it is important to be cautious and avoid making any statements that could be misinterpreted or used against you or those involved in the accident. Stick to the facts as you observed them and avoid assigning blame or speculating on what may have happened.

Seeking medical attention if necessary

If you have been involved in the accident or have sustained any injuries while witnessing the accident, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. Even if your injuries seem minor at first, it is always best to have them evaluated by a medical professional.

Seeking medical attention not only ensures that you receive the necessary care, but it also creates a record of your injuries, which can be important if you need to file a claim or seek compensation later on.

Reporting the accident to your insurance company

If you were driving a vehicle at the time of the accident, it is important to report the incident to your insurance company as soon as possible. They will guide you through the claims process and provide you with the necessary information to move forward.

When reporting the accident, provide your insurance company with accurate and detailed information about what you witnessed. This will help them assess the situation and determine the appropriate course of action.

Following up with any additional information or testimony

As the legal process unfolds, you may be called upon to provide additional information or testify in court. It is important to cooperate fully with any requests from law enforcement or the legal system. Your testimony as a witness can greatly impact the outcome of any legal proceedings, so it is important to be prepared and provide accurate and detailed information.

Conclusion: The importance of being a responsible witness and helping those in need

Being a witness to an accident in Texas comes with important responsibilities. By understanding your legal obligations, assessing the situation, and ensuring your own safety, you can respond in a responsible manner. Contacting emergency services, providing accurate information, and offering assistance within your capabilities can make a difference in the outcome for those involved.

Documenting the accident scene, providing a statement to law enforcement, and cooperating with insurance companies are additional steps you can take to support the investigation. Seeking medical attention if necessary, reporting the accident to your insurance company, and following up with any additional information or testimony are important actions to take to protect your interests and support the legal process. By being a responsible witness, you can make a positive impact and help those in need during an unexpected and challenging situation.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:37 am

How to Identify a Great Personal Injury Attorney: Key Traits to Look For

Saturday, July 29, 2023

When it comes to personal injury cases, finding the right attorney can make all the difference in the world. But with so many options out there, how do you identify a truly great personal injury attorney? It’s not just about their qualifications and experience, although those are certainly important. It’s also about their key traits and qualities that set them apart from the rest. In this article, we will dive into the essential traits to look for when searching for a top-notch personal injury attorney. From excellent communication skills and empathy to a proven track record of success and a willingness to go the extra mile, these traits can make a significant impact on your case. So, whether you’ve been injured in a car accident, slip and fall incident, or any other type of personal injury, this guide will help you navigate the process of finding the right attorney to fight for your rights and get the compensation you deserve.

The importance of hiring a great personal injury attorney

A personal injury attorney plays a crucial role in protecting your rights and ensuring you receive fair compensation for your injuries. Whether you’ve been injured in a car accident, a workplace incident, or any other type of accident caused by someone else’s negligence, having the right attorney by your side can make a world of difference.

First and foremost, a great personal injury attorney has the knowledge and expertise to navigate complex legal processes. Personal injury law can be complicated, and having an attorney who specializes in this area ensures that you have someone who understands the intricacies of the law and can effectively advocate for your rights.

Moreover, a skilled attorney knows how to assess the value of your case. They will consider factors such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and future medical needs to determine the appropriate amount of compensation you should seek. This knowledge and experience can significantly impact the outcome of your case.

Lastly, a great personal injury attorney will handle all aspects of your case, from gathering evidence and negotiating with insurance companies to representing you in court if necessary. This allows you to focus on your recovery while knowing that your legal matters are being handled by a professional who has your best interests at heart.

Qualities to look for in a personal injury attorney

### Experience and expertise in personal injury law

One of the first things to consider when looking for a personal injury attorney is their experience and expertise in the field. Personal injury law is a specialized area of law, and it’s important to find an attorney who has dedicated their practice to this specific area.

An experienced personal injury attorney will have a deep understanding of the legal principles and procedures involved in personal injury cases. They will have handled cases similar to yours in the past and will know how to build a strong case on your behalf.

Additionally, an attorney with expertise in personal injury law will have established relationships with experts in various fields. This can be invaluable when it comes to gathering evidence and building a solid case. They will have access to medical professionals, accident reconstruction specialists, and other experts who can provide testimony to support your claim.

Strong communication and negotiation skills

Effective communication is key in any legal case, and personal injury cases are no exception. A great personal injury attorney should be an excellent communicator, both orally and in writing. They should be able to clearly explain complex legal concepts to you and keep you informed about the progress of your case.

Furthermore, negotiation skills are essential when it comes to reaching a favorable settlement. A skilled attorney knows how to effectively negotiate with insurance companies and other parties involved in your case. They will fight for your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

A track record of successful case outcomes

When considering a personal injury attorney, it’s important to look at their track record of success. A great attorney will have a proven history of achieving favorable outcomes for their clients.

Ask the attorney about their past cases and the results they have obtained. Look for evidence of significant settlements or verdicts in cases similar to yours. This will give you confidence that the attorney has the skills and experience necessary to handle your case effectively.

A compassionate and client-focused approach

Dealing with a personal injury can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. That’s why it’s crucial to find an attorney who is not only knowledgeable and skilled but also compassionate and empathetic.

A great personal injury attorney will take the time to understand your unique situation and the impact your injuries have had on your life. They should genuinely care about your well-being and be committed to fighting for your rights. Look for an attorney who treats you with respect and listens to your concerns.

Availability and responsiveness

When you’re going through a personal injury case, you want an attorney who is accessible and responsive. A great attorney should promptly return your calls and emails and keep you updated on the progress of your case.

It’s also important to consider the attorney’s caseload. While a busy attorney may be a good sign that they are in demand, you don’t want to hire someone who is too overloaded to give your case the attention it deserves. Find an attorney who has the capacity to handle your case effectively.

References and testimonials from past clients

Before making a final decision, it’s a good idea to ask the attorney for references or testimonials from past clients. Hearing about other clients’ experiences can provide valuable insight into the attorney’s abilities and how they handle their cases.

Take the time to reach out to these references and ask about their experience working with the attorney. Were they satisfied with the outcome of their case? Did the attorney communicate effectively? Were they responsive to their needs? These testimonials can help you make an informed decision.

Fees and payment structure

Finally, it’s important to discuss the attorney’s fees and payment structure upfront. Most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means they only get paid if they win your case. However, the specific percentage they charge can vary.

Make sure you understand how the attorney’s fees will be calculated and any additional costs you may be responsible for. It’s also a good idea to get the fee agreement in writing to avoid any misunderstandings later on.

Important qualities for a personal injury attorney include:

Expertise and Experience: 

An excellent personal injury attorney should have a strong background and extensive experience in handling personal injury cases. This expertise allows them to understand the intricacies of personal injury law, insurance policies, and the tactics employed by opposing counsel.

Communication Skills: 

Effective communication is crucial for a personal injury attorney. They need to be able to clearly articulate complex legal concepts to their clients and communicate with other parties involved in the case, such as insurance adjusters, medical professionals, and the court.

Negotiation Skills: 

Many personal injury cases are settled out of court through negotiations. A skilled attorney should be adept at negotiation to ensure their clients receive fair compensation for their injuries and losses.

Analytical and Problem-Solving Abilities: 

Personal injury cases often involve complex legal issues and large volumes of evidence. An attorney needs to possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills to build a robust case for their client.

Empathy and Compassion

Dealing with individuals who have suffered injuries and emotional distress requires empathy and compassion. A good attorney should be understanding and supportive while guiding their clients through the legal process.

Trial Experience: 

While many cases are resolved through settlements, some may go to trial. An attorney with trial experience is better equipped to represent their client effectively in court, if necessary.

Attention to Detail: 

Personal injury cases often involve extensive documentation, medical records, and evidence. An attorney who pays attention to detail can spot critical information that may strengthen the case.

Client-Focused Approach:

A great personal injury attorney prioritizes their client’s best interests. They should be responsive, accessible, and keep the client informed about the progress of the case.

Tenacity and Perseverance: 

Personal injury cases can be lengthy and complex. A dedicated attorney must be tenacious in pursuing justice for their clients and persevering through any challenges that arise.

Legal and Industry Knowledge: 

Apart from a deep understanding of personal injury law, an attorney should be aware of recent changes in legislation and industry trends that could impact the case. A Board certified Personal Injury litigation specialist has superior knowledge in injury cases and especially before a judge and jury at trial.

Reputation and Integrity: 

A personal injury attorney’s reputation within the legal community and with previous clients can be indicative of their professionalism and integrity.

Specialization in the Right Area of Practice:

Just like doctors have various specialties, lawyers have specific areas of expertise, too. By focusing on a particular area of law, they’re able to learn the law in depth. While it might seem tempting to use your divorce lawyer for a personal injury case, choose wisely! Experience in the area of practice gives an attorney the skills and insights to pursue the best possible result for you.

A Fully-Equipped Legal Team That Can Handle a Range of Legal Issues:

Each case is unique. Some cases require expert witnesses, and some of those witnesses may be more than reluctant. There may be confusing evidentiary issues or other problems you may not know how to navigate. A good personal injury lawyer surrounds themselves with a team of board certified attorneys and the resources to handle unique issues in each case.

Research and Writing Skills:

A lot of advocating for a client is done in writing. In fact, to begin your case, the attorney prepares and files written documents. A good personal injury attorney knows how to research legal issues and present them in written arguments to the court. Effective research and writing skills are qualities that make for an excellent attorney.

Oral Advocacy Skills:

While research and writing are necessary, ultimately, a trial is conducted by speaking. An attorney has to effectively argue to a jury and the judge. They have to be able to tell a story to the people who decide the case. Engaging and convincing public speaking skills are necessary to be an outstanding lawyer.

Active Listening Skills:

An attorney won’t represent you well if they don’t know you well. They need to know the facts of the case, from your perspective. They also need to know what’s most important to you as you pursue your claim. An attorney should ask you questions and actively listen to you and involve you. They should listen to your concerns. Without listening, they can’t effectively represent your best interests nor can they adequately negotiate with opposing counsel.

Thorough Investigative Skills in Pursuit of Your Case:

A quality personal injury lawyer pursues the case in detail and with superior investigative skills. They don’t just talk to one witness; they speak to all the witnesses and line up expert witnesses as needed. They prepare for potential evidentiary issues, and they file motions for their clients. What makes for a good personal injury lawyer is dedication to a thorough pursuit of a case utilizing the latest investigative methods.

Trial Experience With a Settlement History:

Some attorneys like to conduct trials. Other attorneys want to settle every case. However, a good personal injury attorney has a track record of doing both. Most cases should settle. But an attorney should be able and willing to take a case to trial when it’s appropriate. An experienced attorney knows when to try a case and when to settle it, especially if they are board certified.

A Clearly Stated Fee Agreement:

A clear fee agreement is an essential part of being a good lawyer. A client needs to know how the lawyer gets paid for the services that they provide. The agreement should be in writing and signed by both parties. The client should have the opportunity to ask questions, and the contract should be in plain language that the client can understand. At Aaron Herbert Law Firm we do not get paid unless we win.

Conclusion: Finding the right personal injury attorney for your case

In conclusion, finding a great personal injury attorney involves more than just looking at their qualifications and experience. It’s about finding an attorney who possesses the key traits and qualities that set them apart from the rest.

Look for an attorney with experience and expertise in personal injury law, strong communication and negotiation skills, and a track record of successful case outcomes. They should also have a compassionate and client-focused approach, be accessible and responsive, and have positive references from past clients.

Remember to discuss the attorney’s fees and payment structure upfront to ensure you are comfortable with the arrangement. By considering these essential traits, you can increase your chances of finding the right personal injury attorney who will fight for your rights and help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:25 am

Dallas County Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Dallas County, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Dallas County, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Dallas County on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Dallas County Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Dallas County personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Dallas County during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Dallas County personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Dallas County, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Dallas County Areas Served

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:43 pm

Duncanville Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Duncanville, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Duncanville, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Duncanville on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Duncanville Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Duncanville personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Duncanville during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Duncanville personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Duncanville, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by mockingbird at 1:30 pm

Ennis Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Ennis, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Ennis, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Ennis on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Ennis Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Ennis personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Ennis during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Ennis personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Ellis County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Ennis, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:23 pm

Terrell Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Terrell, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Terrell, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Terrell on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Terrell Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Terrell personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Terrell during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Terrell personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Kaufman County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Terrell, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:20 pm

Ellis County Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Ellis County, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Ellis County, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Ellis County on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Ellis County Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Ellis County personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Ellis County during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Ellis County personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Ellis County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Ellis County, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Ellis County Areas Served

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:18 pm

Tarrant County Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Tarrant County, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Tarrant County, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Tarrant County on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Tarrant County Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Tarrant County personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Tarrant County during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Tarrant County personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Tarrant County, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Tarrant County Areas Served

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:07 pm

Tarrant County Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Tarrant County, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Tarrant County, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Tarrant County on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Tarrant County Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Tarrant County personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Tarrant County during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Tarrant County personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Tarrant County, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Tarrant County Areas Served

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:59 pm

Springtown Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Springtown, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Springtown, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Springtown on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Springtown Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Springtown personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Springtown during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Springtown personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Parker County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Springtown, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:49 pm

Parker County Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Parker County, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Parker County, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Parker County on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Parker County Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Parker County personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Parker County during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Parker County personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Parker County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Parker County, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Parker County Areas Served

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:35 pm

Crandall Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Crandall, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Crandall, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Crandall on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Crandall Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Crandall personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Crandall during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Crandall personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Kaufman County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Crandall, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:34 pm

Collin County Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Collin County, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Collin County, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Collin County on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Collin County Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Collin County personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Collin County during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Collin County personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Collin County, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Collin County Areas Served

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:21 pm

Rockwall County Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Rockwall County, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Rockwall County, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Rockwall County on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Rockwall County Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Rockwall County personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Rockwall County during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Rockwall County personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Rockwall County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Rockwall County, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Rockwall County Areas Served

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:11 pm

DeSoto Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our DeSoto, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our DeSoto, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in DeSoto on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a DeSoto Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a DeSoto personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in DeSoto during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our DeSoto personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in DeSoto, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:01 pm

Ennis Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Ennis, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Ennis, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Ennis on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Ennis Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Ennis personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Ennis during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Ennis personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Ellis County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Ennis, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:57 am

Cedar Hill Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Cedar Hill, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Cedar Hill, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Cedar Hill on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Cedar Hill Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Cedar Hill personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Cedar Hill during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Cedar Hill personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Cedar Hill, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:38 am

Reno Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Reno, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Reno, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Reno on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Reno Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Reno personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Reno during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Reno personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Parker County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Reno, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:20 am

Red Oak Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Red Oak, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Red Oak, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Red Oak on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Red Oak Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Red Oak personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Red Oak during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Red Oak personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Ellis County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Red Oak, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:18 am

Annetta Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Annetta, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Annetta, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Annetta on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Annetta Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring an Annetta personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Annetta during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Annetta personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Parker County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Annetta, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:44 am

Kaufman Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Kaufman, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Kaufman, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Kaufman on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Kaufman Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Kaufman personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Kaufman during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Kaufman personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Kaufman County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Kaufman, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:31 am

Kaufman County Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 26, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Kaufman County, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Kaufman County, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Kaufman County on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Kaufman County Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Kaufman County personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Kaufman County during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Kaufman County personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Kaufman County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Kaufman County, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Kaufman County Areas Served

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:30 am

University Park Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our University Park, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our University Park, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in University Park on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a University Park Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a University Park personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in University Park during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our University Park personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in University Park, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:29 pm

Trophy Club Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Trophy Club, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Trophy Club, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Trophy Club on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Trophy Club Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Trophy Club personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Trophy Club during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Trophy Club personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Trophy Club, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:25 pm

The Colony Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our The Colony, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our The Colony, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in The Colony on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a The Colony Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a The Colony personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in The Colony during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our The Colony personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in The Colony, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:15 pm

Sunnyvale Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Sunnyvale, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Sunnyvale, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Sunnyvale on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Sunnyvale Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Sunnyvale personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Sunnyvale during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Sunnyvale personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Sunnyvale, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:54 pm

Southlake Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Southlake, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Southlake, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Southlake on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Southlake Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Southlake personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Southlake during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Southlake personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Southlake, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:47 pm

Shady Shores Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Shady Shores, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Shady Shores, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Shady Shores on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Shady Shores Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Shady Shores personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Shady Shores during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Shady Shores personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Shady Shores, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:42 pm

Saginaw Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Saginaw, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Saginaw, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Saginaw on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Saginaw Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Saginaw personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Saginaw during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Saginaw personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Saginaw, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:38 pm

Parker Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Parker, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Parker, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Parker on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Parker Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Parker personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Parker during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Parker personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Parker, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:36 pm

Northlake Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Northlake, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Northlake, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Northlake on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Northlake Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Northlake personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Northlake during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Northlake personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Northlake, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:34 pm

North Richland Hills Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our North Richland Hills, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our North Richland Hills, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in North Richland Hills on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a North Richland Hills Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a North Richland Hills personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in North Richland Hills during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our North Richland Hills personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in North Richland Hills, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:32 pm

Murphy Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Murphy, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Murphy, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Murphy on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Murphy Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Murphy personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Murphy during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Murphy personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Murphy, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:31 pm

Midlothian Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Midlothian, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Midlothian, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Midlothian on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Midlothian Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Midlothian personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Midlothian during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Midlothian personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Ellis County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Midlothian, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:30 pm

Sachse Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Sachse, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Sachse, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Sachse on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Sachse Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Sachse personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Sachse during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Sachse personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Sachse, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:30 pm

Royce City Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Royce City, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Royce City, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Royce City on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Royce City Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Royce City personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Royce City during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Royce City personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Rockwall County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Royce City, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:28 pm

Rowlett Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Rowlett, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Rowlett, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Rowlett on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Rowlett Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Rowlett personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Rowlett during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Rowlett personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Rockwall County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Rowlett, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:21 pm

Rockwall Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Rockwall, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Rockwall, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Rockwall on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Rockwall Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Rockwall personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Rockwall during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Rockwall personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Rockwall County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Rockwall, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:16 pm

Roanoke Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Roanoke, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Roanoke, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Roanoke on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Roanoke Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Roanoke personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Roanoke during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Roanoke personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Roanoke, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:07 pm

Richland Hills Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Richland Hills, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Richland Hills, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Richland Hills on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Richland Hills Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Richland Hills personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Richland Hills during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Richland Hills personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Richland Hills, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:44 am

Wylie Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Wylie, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Wylie, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Wylie on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Wylie Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Wylie personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Wylie during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Wylie personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Wylie, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:39 am

Willow Park Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Willow Park, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Willow Park, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Willow Park on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Willow Park Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Willow Park personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Willow Park during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Willow Park personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Parker County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Willow Park, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:35 am

Weatherford Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Weatherford, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Weatherford, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Weatherford on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Weatherford Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Weatherford personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Weatherford during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Weatherford personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Parker County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Weatherford, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by mockingbird at 11:34 am

Waxahachie Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Waxahachie, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Waxahachie, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Waxahachie on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Waxahachie Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Waxahachie personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Waxahachie during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Waxahachie personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Ellis County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Waxahachie, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:32 am

Watauga Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Watauga, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Watauga, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Watauga on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Watauga Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Watauga personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Watauga during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Watauga personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Watauga, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:29 am

Melissa Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Melissa, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Melissa, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Melissa on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Melissa Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Melissa personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Melissa during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Melissa personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Melissa, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:17 am

Providence Village Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Providence Village, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Providence Village, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Providence Village on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Providence Village Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Providence Village personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Providence Village during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Providence Village personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Providence Village, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:16 am

Prosper Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Prosper, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Prosper, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Prosper on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Prosper Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Prosper personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Prosper during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Prosper personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Prosper, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:13 am

McLendon-Chisholm Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our McLendon-Chisholm, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our McLendon-Chisholm, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in McLendon-Chisholm on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a McLendon-Chisholm Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a McLendon-Chisholm personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in McLendon-Chisholm during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our McLendon-Chisholm personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Rockwall County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in McLendon-Chisholm, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:07 am

Mansfield Personal Injury Lawyer

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Mansfield, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Mansfield, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Mansfield on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Mansfield Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Mansfield personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Mansfield during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Mansfield personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Mansfield, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:45 am

Hurst Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Hurst, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Hurst, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Hurst on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Hurst Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Hurst personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Hurst during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Hurst personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Hurst, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:07 pm

Highland Village Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Highland Village, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Highland Village, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Highland Village on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Highland Village Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Highland Village personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Highland Village during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Highland Village personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Highland Village, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:04 pm

Highland Park Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Highland Park, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Highland Park, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Highland Park on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Highland Park Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Highland Park personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Highland Park during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Highland Park personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Highland Park, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:03 pm

Hickory Creek Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Hickory Creek, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Hickory Creek, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Hickory Creek on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Hickory Creek Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Hickory Creek personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Hickory Creek during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Hickory Creek personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Hickory Creek, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:01 pm

Grapevine Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Grapevine, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Grapevine, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Grapevine on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Grapevine Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Grapevine personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Grapevine during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Grapevine personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Grapevine, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 2:00 pm

Corinth Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Corinth, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Corinth, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Corinth on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Corinth Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Corinth personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Corinth during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Corinth personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Corinth, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:33 pm

Coppell Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Coppell, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Coppell, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Coppell on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Coppell Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Coppell personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Coppell during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Coppell personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Coppell, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:31 pm

Forney Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Forney, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Forney, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Forney on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Forney Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Forney personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Forney during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Forney personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Kaufman County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Forney, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:17 pm

Flower Mound Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Flower Mound, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Flower Mound, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Flower Mound on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Flower Mound Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Flower Mound personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Flower Mound during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Flower Mound personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Flower Mound, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:15 pm

Fate Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Fate, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Fate, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Fate on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Fate Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Fate personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Fate during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Fate personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Rockwall County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Fate, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:13 pm

Farmers Branch Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Farmers Branch, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Farmers Branch, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Farmers Branch on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Farmers Branch Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Farmers Branch personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Farmers Branch during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Farmers Branch personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Farmers Branch, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by mockingbird at 12:07 pm

Fairview Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Fairview, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Fairview, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Fairview on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Fairview Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Fairview personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Fairview during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Fairview personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Fairview, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 12:05 pm

Euless Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Euless, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Euless, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Euless on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Euless Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring an Euless personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Euless during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Euless personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Euless, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:59 am

Lucas Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Lucas, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Lucas, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Lucas on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Lucas Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Lucas personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Lucas during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Lucas personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Lucas, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:44 am

Anna Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Anna, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Anna, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Anna on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Anna Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring an Anna personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Anna during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Anna personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Anna, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:43 am

Lavon Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Lavon, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Lavon, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Lavon on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Lavon Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Lavon personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Lavon during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Lavon personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Collin County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Lavon, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:36 am

Lewisville Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Lewisville, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Lewisville, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Lewisville on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Lewisville Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Lewisville personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Lewisville during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Lewisville personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Lewisville, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:36 am

Lake Dallas Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Lake Dallas, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Lake Dallas, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Lake Dallas on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Lake Dallas Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Lake Dallas personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Lake Dallas during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Lake Dallas personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Lake Dallas, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:34 am

Keller Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Keller, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Keller, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Keller on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Keller Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Keller personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Keller during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Keller personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Keller, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:32 am

Justin Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Justin, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Justin, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Justin on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Justin Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Justin personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Justin during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Justin personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Justin, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:26 am

Irving Personal Injury Lawyer

Monday, June 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Irving, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Irving, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Irving on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Irving Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Irving personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Irving during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Irving personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Irving, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:05 am

Celina Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Celina, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Celina, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Celina on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Celina Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Celina personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Celina during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Celina personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Celina , TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:52 am

Carrollton Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Carrollton, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Carrollton, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Carrollton on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Carrollton Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Carrollton personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Carrollton during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Carrollton personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Carrollton, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:29 am

Aubrey Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Aubrey, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Aubrey, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Aubrey on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Aubrey Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring an Aubrey personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Aubrey during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Aubrey personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Aubrey, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:23 am

Arlington Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Arlington, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Arlington, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Arlington on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Arlington Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring an Arlington personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Arlington during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Arlington personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Arlington, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:17 am

Argyle Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Argyle, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Argyle, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Argyle on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Argyle Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring an Argyle personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Argyle during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Argyle personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Argyle, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:14 am

Little Elm Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Little Elm, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Little Elm, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Little Elm on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Little Elm Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Little Elm personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Little Elm during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Little Elm personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Little Elm, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 200-4878 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:42 am

Aledo Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Aledo, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Aledo, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Aledo on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Aledo Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring an Aledo personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Aledo during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Aledo personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Parker County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Aledo, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:52 am

Addison Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Addison, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Addison, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Addison on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can an Addison Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring an Addison personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Addison during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Addison personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Dallas County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Addison, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 9:46 am

Colleyville Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, June 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Colleyville, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Colleyville, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Colleyville on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Colleyville Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Colleyville personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Colleyville during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Colleyville personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Colleyville, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:19 am

Dallas Scooter Accident Lawyer

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

The electric scooter industry, spearheaded by companies like Bird and Lime, has made its presence known in many major metropolitan areas like Dallas. Still, while business seems to be booming, safety appears to have taken a back seat. Accidents involving electric scooters are all too common on Dallas roads. If you were injured in a scooter accident, you might wonder if you have any recourse and as a Dallas scooter accident lawyer, let me tell you, you do. 

Electric Scooter Accident Statistics

Scooter accident statistics information has been growing over the years. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), there were more than 190,000 emergency room visits due to electric scooter products from 2017 through 2020.

Emergency room visits saw a staggering 70% increase from 34,000 in 2017 to 57,800 in 2020. The CPSC is aware of 71 fatalities associated with e-scooter products from 2017 through 2020, although reporting is incomplete.

The CPSC categorizes the hazards associated with scooters into three broad areas: mechanical, electrical, and human factors. The human factor is the most significant for several reasons.

Many people, including scooter operators and motor vehicle drivers, do not know the laws and regulations involving electric scooters. This ignorance can lead to accidents at intersections, roadways, and bike lanes. Since the state does not require adults to wear helmets, many scooter operators sustain severe head and brain trauma in electric scooter accidents.

Electric Scooter Accident Injuries

Because electric scooter operators are extra vulnerable, they can sustain serious injuries in a collision. According to the CPSC, injuries frequently happen to upper and lower limbs, the head, and the neck. Other Injuries sustained in electric scooter accidents may include the following.

  • Facial injuries;
  • Road rash;
  • Amputation;
  • Fractures and broken bones;
  • Bruising and lacerations;
  • Spinal cord injuries, including paralysis; and
  • Head and brain trauma.

In an accident with a scooter, the victim is often a pedestrian because the scooter driver will remain on the sidewalks or near the walking areas. Objects or other items involved in the accident can increase property damage and possible injuries as well. 

Electric Scooter Personal Injury Case

Liability for an electric scooter accident depends on how the accident occurred and who is at fault. In some cases, several parties may share liability.

Many of the most common accidents occur due to operator negligence, manufacturing defects during production or design, or a collision with another party, such as a vehicle, pedestrian, or bicyclist. Regardless of how the accident occurred, if you are the victim, you will need to establish liability so that you can receive compensation for your damages.

If your case is based upon negligence, you will need to prove the following:

  • The driver or other party owed you a duty of care,
  • The driver or other party violated the duty they owed to you,
  • The driver’s or other party’s negligence caused your injuries, and 
  • There are specific damages you suffered due to the driver’s negligence.

Like any motor vehicle crash, if the driver of another vehicle involved in a scooter accident could be cited for distracted or drunk driving, failure to yield, speeding, and reckless or negligent driving, this could make a clear case for negligence. 

On the other hand, if the accident was due to your misuse or recklessness, you may be personally responsible for your injuries or those you cause to others. That’s why it’s crucial to address the issue of who was at fault. 

Missouri operates on a pure comparative fault system, which determines how the damages incurred from a collision will be split among all parties, including the accident victim.

If evidence reveals that the scooter victim was partially at fault, the court will deduct their percentage of fault. For example, if the court finds the scooter victim to be 30% at fault, an award of $100,000 would be reduced to $70,000.

Alternatively, if your case is not based on negligence but on a riding hazard—such as a broken sidewalk—that caused a crash, a premises liability claim may be the right course of action to recover any resulting damages. 

There could also be a potential claim against the company that manufactured the scooter. If the scooter’s brakes malfunction, the scooter had electrical problems, or the scooter’s mechanics failed to work properly, there might be a claim against the maker of the scooter. In these situations, the scooter company may have a defective product, a defective part, or a manufacturing issue with a whole product line. 

Depending on the situation, the scooter rental company could also be found at fault. Reaching out to an electric scooter accident lawyer is your best bet in determining the proper defendant and whether you can prove liability. 

Contact Our Scooter Accident Attorneys Today

At The Law Offices of Aaron Herbert, we are the premier Dallas law firm for personal injury and catastrophic injuries, with over 20 years of litigation experience and a passion for serving as advocates for our clients.

We are scooter accident attorneys with an approachable but professional, client-focused firm. Contact us today at 816-421-6868.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:17 am

Serious Brain Injury Lawyers | Dallas

Thursday, February 2, 2023

You will need strong legal representation if you or a loved one has suffered a severe brain injury. At the Law Office of Aaron Herbert, we understand what a challenging time in your life this may be.

Brain injuries can be catastrophic and difficult to diagnose and repair. Depending on the severity of the injury, you could be left with permanent life-altering disabilities.

Let us help you hold the liable parties responsible and get the compensation you need and deserve.

Common Causes of Brain Injuries

There are many causes of brain injuries, from the most horrific accidents to simple mishaps. Examples of common causes of brain injuries include:

It is important to remember that this list is not all-encompassing, and you may have suffered a brain injury due to another type of incident. 

Common Types of Brain Injuries

There are several different types of brain injuries, and it is common to suffer from more than one, especially if you were involved in a horrific accident.


Concussions are one of the most common brain injuries and can occur due to severe trauma, sports injury, or simple slip and fall.

Concussions can range from minor to severe, and victims usually exhibit symptoms such as headache, “brain fog,” confusion, dizziness, and nausea. Concussions can also cause a loss of consciousness. 

Skull Fractures

A skull fracture is any break in the skull and can range from minor to severe. Skull fractures can harm your brain in a number of ways. 


Hematomas are a collection of blood within the skull. It’s usually caused by a blood vessel that bursts in the brain. 

Any traumatic brain injury (TBI) could negatively affect the rest of your life and leave you with seizures, loss of brain function, and other disabilities. It is imperative to get the medical care you need if you suffer a TBI.

Brain Injury Lawyers, Dallas

Our Dallas personal injury attorneys can help you or your loved one recover damages from the liable party. Damages for brain injuries can include the following:

  • Coverage for past, current, and future medical expenses;
  • Lost wages and benefits;
  • Loss of future earning capabilities;
  • Compensation for long-term or in-home care;
  • Coverage for rehabilitation and physical therapy;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Loss of enjoyment of life; and
  • Loss of consortium.

You may be awarded punitive damages if the defendant’s actions are particularly egregious. Our serious brain injury lawyers will assess your case and discuss your potential compensation with you.

Contact Our Dallas Brain Injury Lawyers Today

Contact our Dallas brain injury lawyers today. At the Law Office of Aaron Herbert, we have dedicated our practice to helping accident victims recover the compensation they deserve.

Our Dallas personal injury attorneys have years of experience representing individuals with brain injuries caused by someone else’s negligence.

Contact us to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. Remember, we do not get paid unless you do!

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:41 am

Double Oak Personal Injury Lawyer

Thursday, January 19, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Double Oak, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Double Oak, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Double Oak on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Double Oak Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Double Oak personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Double Oak during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Double Oak personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Denton County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Double Oak, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by mockingbird at 1:27 pm

Bedford Personal Injury Lawyer

Sunday, January 15, 2023

An accident can lead to significant difficulties for you as a victim. From traveling to see specialists and paying for expensive medical care to missing out on career opportunities, a personal injury could put you through a great deal of stress. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C, our Bedford, Texas personal injury attorneys can help you seek compensation from the party that caused your recent accident. We start the claims process with free, no-obligation consultations at our Dallas-Fort Worth area law office. Request yours today for information about your case.

Why Hire Our Bedford, TX Personal Injury Lawyers?

  • We have extensive experience. Our lead attorney has resolved more than 50 jury trials. We have handled personal injury claims in Texas for many years.
  • We care about more than just wins. We cultivate real relationships with clients to help them recover physically and emotionally, not just financially.
  • We charge nothing out of pocket. Our personal injury law firm accepts claims in Bedford on a contingency fee basis. We bill our fees through the award won, and only if we win.

Can a Bedford Injury Attorney Help Your Case?

Bringing a personal injury claim means holding someone else responsible for your accident and injuries. A successful claim will end in compensation for your damages. To win an award for your injury, however, you or your lawyer must prove your damages and the defendant’s fault in causing them. Hiring a Bedford personal injury attorney can help you with this burden of proof, giving you access to investigators and other resources to gather evidence. Your lawyer can take care of proving your injury claim while you focus on getting better.

Do You Have Grounds for a Claim?

In any civil claim, the burden of proof lies on the plaintiff’s side of the case. The plaintiff is the injured party. You or your lawyer will have to establish the defendant is liable for damages through clear and convincing evidence. Most personal injury cases in Texas, though not all, come with the burden to prove the defendant’s negligence. In general, this means establishing four elements.

  1. The defendant owed a duty to exercise care.
  2. The defendant did not do what was reasonable to fulfill the duty of care.
  3. The defendant’s failure to fulfill his or her duty caused your injuries.
  4. As a result of the breach of duty, you suffered compensable damages.

Whether negligence or liability is clear in your case or you need additional assistance determining fault, our attorneys can help. Aaron A. Herbert and his associates can review your specific personal injury case, look for signs of negligence and help you bring a claim backed by clear evidence. Find out if you have a personal injury case in Bedford during a free consultation.

Cases the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. Accepts

Attorney Aaron A. Herbert is one of less than 2% of lawyers in Texas with a Board Certification in Personal Injury Trial Law. With this distinction, Aaron is capable of taking on even the most complicated personal injury claims. If your case requires a full-blown court trial to resolve, we can accommodate you. Our law firm takes many types of cases.

Contact us for further guidance if you do not see your specific case type here. We have experience counseling clients through a wide variety of personal injury claims. Our Bedford personal injury lawyers may be able to represent you during settlement negotiations or a court trial for any personal injury in Tarrant County.

Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer in Bedford, TX

The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. wants to help injured victims receive justice and compensation for their personal injuries. No matter what type of accident you were recently in, contact us to learn your rights under Texas’ civil laws. Submit our client intake form or request your free legal consultation over the phone at (214) 833-9553 today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:27 am

Midland, TX Accident Reports: Steps to Getting Your Crash Report

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Car accidents can be harrowing and take a severe toll on injured victims.

Injuries from a collision can go on for months or even years. Our attorneys can help advocate for you so that you can recover financially and focus on healing.

Before filing a lawsuit, you will need to know where to get copies of Midland, TX, accident reports.

Feel free to reach out to our experienced attorneys for help getting your report and filing your claim. At Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., we will fight aggressively to get the compensation you need to move on from your injuries.

Obtaining a Copy of Midland County Accident Reports Online

You can purchase a copy of Midland, Texas accident reports online through the LexisNexis BuyCrash site. 

You can also get your report by going to the Midland Police Department website and submitting a request online. Processing for an online request may take up to 10 business days.

Under Texas law, note that you must be directly involved in an accident to get Midland accident reports.

Contact our attorneys today if you have questions. Once you have a copy, we can assist you in recovering damages for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, and other losses.

Getting a Copy of Your Accident Report in Person

You can also obtain a copy of accident reports in Midland, TX, in person.

To acquire a copy in person, you should visit the Midland Police Department Records Window. The address is 601 N. Loraine Street, Midland, TX, 79701.

Reports are not available at the Records Window until after 1:00 PM five days after the date of the accident.

Obtaining a copy in person may take up to 10 days. You can call the Midland Police Department at 432-685-7145 for updates on the status of your request.

What Does a Crash Report Include?

Copies of Midland, Texas, car accident reports are crucial pieces of evidence and should include several parts, including the following:

  • A summary of what happened;
  • The date, time, and location of the accident;
  • Information about parties involved;
  • Driver insurance information;
  • Any known injuries;
  • Damage to vehicles;
  • A diagram of the accident;
  • Road, lighting, and weather conditions;
  • Contact information for witnesses; and
  • Any laws that were violated.

This is not an exhaustive list. If you file a lawsuit, a copy of this accident report will be vital to your claim.

Consider reaching out to our law firm at Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., if you have any concerns or need assistance.

How Our Law Firm Can Help You

If you have suffered injuries in a collision, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our attorneys.

We will fight for you and help you recover the compensation you need. Aaron Herbert is a Marine Corps veteran and graduated at the top of his class at the University of Oklahoma College of Law.

Areas of expertise at our firm include car accidents, motorcycle accidents, trucking accidents, and more. 

Call us today at 214-336-4004 to schedule an initial appointment.

You can also email our attorney Aaron Herbert at aherbert@texaslegaladvice.com. 

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:39 am

What Does it Take to Be a Leader in Your Community?

Friday, September 23, 2022

2022 Scholarship Contest Presented by The Law Firm of Aaron Herbert

The Law Firm of Aaron Herbert is happy to introduce our latest scholarship contest for those attending college in Texas.

I chose to become a lawyer because I wanted to help people in my community know their rights. I am starting a scholarship contest because I want to hear from other (future leaders) in my community about their leadership capabilities and what their goals for the future entail. 

Now, I want you to tell me how you make a difference in your community and what type of leadership skills you can teach to others. Please tell me in no more than ~350 words in the most compelling way possible.


  • Write 250 – 300 words about your leadership skills and community service involvement
  • While not required we would recommend writing about a volunteer experience or an organization that you are a part of and would like to speak about

What Will Be the Award Amount?

Award amount will be $1,500 to one student.

Who Is Eligible? 

  • Applicants must be high school seniors that are graduating in the summer of 2022; or
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in a university for the start of the fall 2022 semester.


  • Applications and essays must be submitted before August 15th, 2023; and
  • The winner of the scholarship will be notified no later than August 30th, 2023.

How Do I Apply for the Scholarship Contest?

Please submit your submission using the form below. All submissions will be recorded and a winner will be selected via email at the conclusion of the contest. Please no phone calls about the status of your scholarship submission. 

Submit Your Entry Below

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:47 pm

Dallas Birth Injury Lawyer

Saturday, June 11, 2022

No parent ever wants to find out that their child has suffered a serious injury before, during or shortly after birth. Unfortunately, every year, preventable birth injuries arise due to the negligence of physicians, surgeons and nurses. If you believe that your child’s birth injury or medical condition stems from a careless or wrongful act committed by a health care provider during your birthing experience, please contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for assistance. Our Dallas birth injury attorneys can review your case for free and help you understand your legal options as a family.

Why Choose Our Birth Injury Law Team?

  • We are passionate about helping families seek justice for medical negligence. We started our law firm out of a true desire to help others and will be there for you during this difficult time.
  • Our lead attorney, Aaron A. Herbert, is one of only 2 percent of attorneys in Texas who are board-certified in personal injury trial law.
  • Our birth injury attorneys operate on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will only pay your lawyer out of a settlement or verdict won – and only if we win.

What Is a Birth Injury?

A birth injury is damage to a child’s body or bodily functions done by an adverse occurrence at birth. Although some birth injuries naturally arise from complicated deliveries, if the adverse occurrence can be traced to the fault of one of the attending physicians or another health care practitioner, the child’s parents will have the right to file a birth injury lawsuit in Texas. This is a civil claim that demands financial compensation to make a family whole again after a preventable birth injury changes a child’s life.

What Causes a Birth Injury?

An infant could sustain a birth injury under many different circumstances. A complicated birth could lead to the infant getting stuck in the birth canal, for example, and injuries inflicted in the ensuing effort to get the baby out safely. There are some situations, however, where a birth injury is caused by the carelessness or medical error of a practitioner in charge of the delivery. Examples of this civil tort include:

  • Failing to diagnose a maternal condition during pregnancy
  • Failing to monitor fetal vital signs during labor and delivery
  • Poor communication among staff members
  • Improper use of birth-assistive tools, such as forceps
  • Failing to react appropriately in an emergency, such as ordering a C-section
  • Yanking on a child’s arm or using improper birthing techniques
  • Failing to properly sanitize medical tools and devices
  • Making a surgical mistake during a C-section
  • Dropping or injuring an infant shortly after birth
  • Failing to diagnose and treat infant jaundice

These preventable errors and acts of medical malpractice can lead to devastating birth injuries that affect both the infant and mother. If you aren’t sure what caused your child’s injury, our attorneys can investigate on your behalf. If we believe that your child’s injury gives you the right to file a birth injury lawsuit in Dallas, we can help you gather evidence against one or multiple defendants to build your claim.

Common Examples of Birth Injuries

Negligence or recklessness on the part of a health care practitioner before, during or after delivery can cause many different types of birth injuries. Some of these injuries may heal within a few days or weeks, while others – such as brain damage – can last for the victim’s lifetime. Although infants are resilient and can bounce back quickly from many injuries, they are also vulnerable to permanent disabilities when a trusted medical provider makes a critical error at a delicate moment.

Medical malpractice can result in many serious birth injuries and related medical conditions, including:

  • Broken bones
  • Soft-tissue injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Brain damage
  • Hypoxia
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Shoulder dystocia
  • Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
  • Erb’s palsy
  • Klumpke’s palsy
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Maternal injuries

If your child gets diagnosed with an injury – even if your child is a toddler or older at the time of the diagnosis – it is worthwhile to consult with a birth injury lawyer in Dallas about a potential lawsuit. If there is evidence of medical negligence in connection to the condition, your family may be entitled to financial compensation to pay for your child’s medical care, physical therapy and rehabilitation, surgeries, medical devices, medications, special education, emotional distress, lost quality of life, and more.

Signs That Your Child May Have a Birth Injury

Some birth injuries are immediately obvious; you may notice physical marks on your child that are indicative of an injury right away, such as bruising or bleeding. Others, however, take weeks, months or even years to show noticeable symptoms. The following are signs that may point to a birth injury:

  • Persistent, high-pitched crying
  • Facial paralysis
  • Muscle spasms or involuntary movements
  • Lack of muscle tone or development
  • Trouble breathing
  • Vision and/or hearing problems
  • Developmental delays
  • Cognitive impairments
  • Seizures

Take your child to see a pediatrician immediately upon noticing something amiss. Explain why you believe the issue could be connected to a birth injury, such as a difficult birth, premature birth, low birthweight or complications that arose during your birth experience. Request copies of your child’s medical records if he or she is diagnosed with a birth injury.

When Can Parents Sue for a Birth Injury in Dallas?

If there is evidence that a medical practitioner reasonably should have prevented your child’s birth injury, such as by being more prepared for birth complications or checking for fetal distress signals, your family may have grounds to file a civil lawsuit against the practitioner and/or hospital in Dallas for financial compensation.

Although nothing can ever make up for a birth injury, filing a lawsuit can hold a negligent medical provider accountable. It can push for changes on an institutional level at the hospital or birthing center to prevent similar incidents to other children in the future. It can also reimburse your family for related economic and noneconomic losses.

Speak to Our Dallas Birth Injury Lawyers Today | Request a Free Consultation at (214) 609-1580

If you suspect that your child has any type of birth injury in Dallas, Texas, please contact our local birth injury lawyers at The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. to request a free consultation. We have the experience, resources and passion for justice to help you and your family with this complicated type of case. We will make sure that your family has everything it needs in the fight for justice. Call (214) 609-1580 or contact us online today for a free case review.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:35 pm

Truck Driver Fatigue Accident Attorney in Dallas

Thursday, December 2, 2021

One of the most common hazards associated with operating a big rig is falling asleep behind the wheel. Truck drivers are faced with unique driving conditions compared to the average driver, including overnight trips and long hours alone on the road. This can increase the risk of truck driver drowsiness, fatigue and burnout, as well as related truck accidents.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident in Dallas that you believe was caused by a fatigued truck driver, please contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. to request a free consultation. We can help you hold the trucker or trucking company accountable.

Why Choose Us?

  • We are trial lawyers who are always willing and prepared to go to court on behalf of our clients rather than settling for an inadequate amount of compensation.
  • Our attorneys provide tailored services for their clients, taking the time to get to know them and choose the best approach for each individual situation.
  • Our truck accident attorneys in Dallas offer free consultations, during which we will discuss your truck accident in more detail, answer your questions and give you legal advice.

What Are the FMCSA’s Hours-of-Service Regulations?

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, or FMCSA, is the entity in charge of regulating the commercial trucking industry in the United States. In an attempt to mitigate the risks posed by truck driver drowsiness and fatigue, the FMCSA enforces hours-of-service restrictions. These rules dictate how long a truck driver can lawfully drive without taking a rest or meal break. In general, no truck driver can drive past 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off-duty or 14 consecutive hours after coming on duty.

Why Does Truck Driver Fatigue Happen?

Despite having laws in place to try to prevent truck driver fatigue, many truck accidents take place every year that involve tired truck drivers. This is because there are elements unique to the trucking industry that are conducive to sleep deprivation, exhaustion, stress and burnout. Many risk factors inherent to long-haul trucking increase the risk of truck driver fatigue, including:

  • Sleep apnea and other health conditions that interrupt sleep
  • Reversed sleep schedules and overnight drives
  • Having to sleep at strange times and locations
  • Broken hours-of-service regulations
  • Extended hours driving alone
  • Energy crashes from caffeine or sugar
  • Physical or mental exertion at work
  • Unreasonable expectations or pressure from employers.

Sleep apnea is one of the main problems behind truck driver fatigue. This is a condition that can interrupt a good night’s sleep, making a truck driver more tired during waking hours. According to the FMCSA, truck drivers are susceptible to sleep apnea due to risk factors such as being overweight or obese, unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, strange sleep patterns, and smoking.

Signs of a Drowsy Truck Driver

As you navigate the roads in Dallas, always keep an eye out for negligent drivers – especially behind the wheel of a dangerous big rig. You may be near a drowsy truck driver if you notice the truck doing any of the following:

  • Weaving in and out of multiple lanes
  • Making unsafe lane changes
  • Swerving
  • Crossing a highway to make an exit
  • Drifting out of a lane or hitting the rumble strip
  • Driving erratically
  • Stopping and starting
  • Slamming on the brakes
  • Speeding
  • Running a red light or stop sign

Keep a safe distance from the truck if any of these signs are present. Call 911 to report a potential drowsy or intoxicated truck driver. If you can, make note of the trucking company name and truck number so that you can report the driver to the company, as well.

Injured in a Trucking Accident by a Drowsy Driver? Contact Aaron A. Herbert

If you or a loved one has been injured due to truck driver fatigue or burnout, don’t hesitate to contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free consultation. We know how to go up against trucking companies and truck drivers in pursuit of financial compensation for our clients. Call (214) 609-1140 today to get assistance from one of our attorneys.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:33 pm

Elevator and Escalator Injuries

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Escalators and elevators are found in most malls, shopping plazas and department stores today. Unfortunately, they are not always safe for shoppers or the public. They may have dangerous product defects or maintenance problems that can lead to slip, trip and fall accidents. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury on an escalator or elevator in Dallas, Texas, contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. to find out how our attorneys can help you recover.

Why Choose Us as Your Legal Representatives?

  • We care about our clients and provide personalized attention throughout slip and fall accident cases. You will have a direct line of communication with your attorney.
  • We aren’t afraid to go to trial to fight for justice for injured accident victims, when necessary. We are aggressive and experienced trial lawyers in Dallas.
  • Our law firm operates on a contingency fee basis. This means you will only pay your slip and fall accident lawyer if he or she wins your case.

How an Escalator or Elevator Can Cause a Slip and Fall Accident

Elevators and escalators are necessary to the architecture of modern buildings. Dallas is home to thousands of elevators and escalators that serve millions of people every day. These are powerful machines that require proper installation, maintenance and repairs to operate correctly. Even a minor issue with an elevator or escalator could lead to a serious or deadly accident. Common problems that cause elevator and escalator accidents in Texas include:

  • Defects in the design or manufacture of the elevator or escalator
  • Improper equipment installation
  • Machinery malfunctions and equipment breakdowns
  • A misaligned elevator that is not even with the floor
  • Dangerous open elevator shafts
  • Lack of proper equipment maintenance
  • Slippery, wet or greasy floor surfaces
  • Spilled drinks or food debris
  • Clothing getting caught in escalator machinery

These hazards are often preventable with a normal or reasonable amount of care by the person or entity that owns the elevator or escalator. If a shopping mall has employees whose job it is to regularly inspect the machinery for issues, for example, it can catch a problem ahead of time before it causes a serious injury. Unfortunately, many businesses and property owners are negligent in keeping their premises safe.

Slip and Fall on an Escalator/Elevator: Who Should Pay?

Negligence is the grounds for most personal injury and premises liability claims in Texas. A property owner is negligent if he or she does not fulfill the required level of care, and this causes an injury to someone else. All property owners have a legal obligation to inspect their properties for hidden hazards, repair known injury risks and warn visitors of potential dangers. If a property owner does not meet this obligation, and this results in an elevator or escalator slip and fall accident, the property owner is financially responsible for the victim’s injuries.

In general, a negligent property owner in Texas is legally required to pay for an elevator or escalator accident, injury or death. The victim must prove liability, however, using clear and convincing evidence. Proof of liability is evidence that the owner knew or reasonably should have known about the hazard, negligently failed to remedy the issue, and that this was the direct cause of the victim’s injuries. An attorney in Dallas can help an injured victim collect evidence of fault for an escalator or elevator slip and fall accident.

Contact Our Escalator/Elevator Slip and Fall Accident Lawyers Today

If you or a loved one was recently injured in an elevator or escalator slip and fall accident, contact the local Dallas attorneys at The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free consultation. We have many years of experience representing clients in slip and fall accident cases. We know how to fight for the compensation that you deserve. Speak to an attorney for more details about your legal rights and options today. Call (214) 609-1140 or contact us online for a free case review.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:16 pm

Truck Accidents Caused by Inadequate Truck Maintenance

Thursday, December 2, 2021

A commercial truck is only as safe as the parts and components that allow it to run. If any part or piece of equipment falls into a state of disrepair, this can compromise the overall safety of the big rig and ultimately cause deadly truck accidents. If you believe that a part breakdown related to inadequate equipment maintenance or inspections caused your truck accident in Dallas, Texas, contact us for a free consultation. You may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses. We can help you determine if you have a legal claim.

Why You Should Hire a Truck Accident Attorney in Dallas

Truck accident cases are known to be difficult and confusing for injured victims. It is not easy to go up against a large and powerful trucking company or its insurance representative on your own. Hiring a lawyer, however, can allow you to build a stronger claim and go up against any party in pursuit of justice and fair financial compensation. Your lawyer can investigate your truck accident, search for evidence of inadequate equipment maintenance and negotiate for maximum compensation on your behalf. An attorney will skillfully handle your legal claim while you focus on healing.

What Are the Legal Truck Inspection, Maintenance and Repair Requirements?

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Unsafe Operations Law, Section 396.7, it is against the law for the owner of a commercial motor vehicle to allow it to fall into a state of disrepair or a condition that will likely cause an accident or a breakdown of the vehicle. The law states that all motor carriers must regularly inspect, repair and maintain all motor vehicles subject to their control. They must ensure that all equipment, parts and accessories are in proper working order at all times. Any action or failure to act that falls short of this legal obligation can be viewed as negligence in a personal injury claim.

Evidence Used in Inadequate Equipment Maintenance/Inspection Cases

If you believe that a trucking company or owner/operator was negligent in fulfilling the required truck equipment regulations, and that this is what caused your Dallas truck accident, you may be eligible for financial compensation. It is up to you or your truck accident lawyer to prove that what you are claiming is more likely to be true than not true. This is called a preponderance of the evidence, and it is the burden of proof in a personal injury or wrongful death case in Texas.

Your lawyer may be able to use evidence such as the following to support your injury claim:

  • Photographs of the broken or defective part
  • Truck and fleet vehicle inspection records
  • Truck driver’s daily inspection logs
  • The truck’s black box or data recorders
  • The trucking company’s maintenance and repair records
  • Recommendations and diagnoses by truck mechanics
  • The company’s history of truck breakdowns and accidents
  • The police accident report and eyewitness statements

The negligent failure to properly inspect, maintain and repair truck equipment can create significant crash hazards. Common examples include worn-out tires and tire blowouts, brake failure, steering issues, electrical problems, missing reflectors or underride guards, and engine failure. If the owner of a truck reasonably should have done more to maintain and inspect its equipment, that party may be financially responsible (liable) for your related accident and injuries in Texas.

Contact a Dallas Inadequate Maintenance/Inspection of Equipment Lawyer

If you were injured or a loved one was killed in a truck accident involving the inadequate maintenance or inspection of equipment, contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. to arrange a free case evaluation. If you have grounds for a lawsuit or insurance claim, we can help you fill out and file the necessary paperwork to pursue maximum financial compensation. We will be here for you and your family throughout the recovery process. Call (214) 609-1140 or contact us online to reach our Dallas law office.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 11:21 am

Jacknife Accidents

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Driving near and around large trucks in Dallas, Texas comes with significant risks. Unfortunately, you cannot trust that the big rig is being driven with due care. Every day, truck drivers make mistakes that cause traffic accidents. One type of truck accident is known as a jackknife. If you’ve been injured in this type of collision in Dallas, please contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free consultation. Our truck accident attorneys can help you understand your rights.

Why You Need a Truck Accident Lawyer in Dallas

Hiring a truck accident lawyer is one of the best things that you can do to protect your rights after a jackknife accident. If you believe that a truck driver or trucking company caused your collision, a lawyer can help you gather evidence to prove that what you are claiming is more likely to be true than not true (this is the burden of proof in a personal injury case).

Your lawyer can thoroughly investigate the crash, talk to eyewitnesses, collect evidence and hire experts to testify on your behalf. Then, your lawyer can negotiate with the trucking company’s insurer for fair financial compensation for your losses. You can rest, undergo medical treatments and focus on healing while your truck accident lawyer takes care of complicated legal processes for you.

What Is a Jackknife Accident?

A jackknife accident is a tractor-trailer accident in which the trailer swings outward away from the cab in the shape of an acute angle, similar to a jackknife. In this dangerous position, a truck driver can no longer control or stop the truck. The tractor and trailer will skid or slide out of control across the road, potentially rolling over or striking and crushing surrounding vehicles.

What Causes Truck Jackknife Accidents?

Jackknife accidents are almost always preventable. They occur most often when the truck driver uses the wrong technique behind the wheel, such as overcorrecting and jerking the steering wheel to avoid a hazard. Jackknife accidents can also happen due to problems with the truck, such as a tire blowout. Some of the most common causes of jackknife accidents are:

  • The driver slamming on the brakes
  • The driver taking a turn too quickly
  • The driver speeding downhill
  • The driver locking up the steering axle brakes
  • The driver locking the drive or trailer axles
  • Old or worn-out brakes
  • Tire problems and blowouts
  • Imbalanced cargo load and shifting

Truck drivers have a responsibility to safely and prudently operate their vehicles at all times. They must pay attention to the road, react appropriately to changing roadway situations and use the correct driving techniques. If a truck driver or another entity fails to live up to its responsibilities, it can lead to a deadly jackknife accident and liability for losses.

Who Is Responsible?

Under federal law, trucking companies have vicarious liability for all accidents involving their trucks and drivers. Vicarious liability means that the financial responsibility for an accident or injury will rest with the employer, not the employee, if a worker was performing job-related tasks at the time of the incident. This rule means that after a jackknife accident in Texas, you may be able to hold a trucking company liable for your medical bills and property repairs if the company or one of its drivers or employees caused the crash.

Speak to a Jackknife Accident Attorney in Dallas Today

If you or someone that you love has been injured in a jackknife accident in Dallas, contact The Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free legal consultation. We understand why these accidents take place and how to collect evidence against the truck driver and/or trucking company to support a client’s case. We will be here for you and your family during this difficult time, providing trustworthy legal advice and representation along the way. Please call (214) 609-1140 or contact us online today for a case analysis.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 10:21 am

Dallas Apartment Injury Lawyer

Monday, May 11, 2020

Your apartment complex in Dallas could be more dangerous than you think. Structural weaknesses, poor maintenance and a negligent landlord could lead to risks against your personal health and safety. If you or a loved one is the victim of a Dallas apartment injury, the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. may be able to bring a claim on your behalf. Our Dallas apartment injury lawyer can answer questions such as who is liable, whether you can file a suit against your landlord, what the value of your claim might be and how long it will take to obtain compensation. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our Dallas apartment injury lawyer.

Dallas Apartment Injury Lawyer 1

Why Choose Us?

  • We promise to give personal attention to your Dallas apartment injury case.
  • We help clients through tough situations with honest answers and full transparency.
  • We have a board-certified personal injury trial attorney as our lead lawyer.
  • We are proud of our impressive past outcomes and positive client reviews.
  • We charge no legal fees for apartment injury claims unless we win compensation for the client.

What Are a Landlord’s Responsibilities?

Renting an apartment in Dallas involves signing a leasing agreement between you and the landlord. This agreement legally obligates the landlord to fulfill certain responsibilities he or she has toward you as a tenant. A landlord’s duties in Texas include providing habitable housing and making a diligent effort to repair property defects. Habitable housing refers to an apartment with adequate water, hot water, heating and protection from the elements. A diligent effort to repair or remedy a condition means to schedule repairs promptly if a tenant files a complaint about a defect that could affect his or her health or safety. If a landlord breaches his or her duties to a tenant, the landlord could be liable for related apartment accidents and injuries.

What Types of Injuries Can Tenants Endure?

A tenant in an unsafe or defective apartment could encounter many risks to his or her health and safety. An unsafe apartment could pose risks such as criminal attacks, robberies, exposure to toxic substances, pests, structural collapses, fires, floods, gas leaks, dangerous stairwells, loose handrails, snow or ice, poor lighting, slippery floors and more. Property defects could cause many different tenant injuries that require emergency medical care.

  • Bone fractures
  • Head and brain injuries
  • Illnesses
  • Lacerations
  • Burns
  • Internal injuries
  • Soft-tissue damage
  • Back and spine injuries
  • Neck injuries
  • Wrongful death

A landlord might be liable for your apartment injuries in Dallas if he or she reasonably should have repaired the dangerous condition that caused your accident. A lawyer from the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. may be able to help you prove a landlord’s fault for your damages. This may take an accident investigation and evidence gathering, as well as hiring experts to testify on your behalf.

What Damages Can Be Involved in a Claim?

A successful injury claim against a landlord or another party for a Dallas apartment injury could end in financial compensation for many different damages. An award could help a claimant pay for economic damages, as well as provide additional compensation for noneconomic pain and suffering. The value of your apartment injury claim will depend on the circumstances of your accident.

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost income and capacity to earn
  • Property damages or losses
  • Legal fees and travel expenses
  • Physical pain
  • Emotional injuries
  • Punitive damages

A consultation with the apartment injury attorneys at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. could help you list the damages you may be able to claim from your landlord. Our lawyers can evaluate your case for all potential outlets for recovery. We can also collect evidence of your damages to help prove them to the courts. Then, we can file your claim and fight for maximum compensation.

Contact a Dallas Apartment Injury Attorney Today

Contact a Dallas apartment injury attorney today. If you have an injury from a recent accident in your Dallas apartment or a common area of the building, please contact us for a free legal consultation. Our Dallas personal injury attorneys can review your case and let you know if we believe you are eligible for compensation. Call (214) 200-4878 today to speak to an attorney.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:11 pm

Grand Prairie Truck Accident Attorney

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Truck accidents are not inevitable. They are preventable tragedies that can be avoided with due care and attention to safety requirements. Truck accidents happen most often when one or more parties involved in the loading, maintenance or operation of a truck are negligent. If a negligent trucking company or one of its employees – including a truck driver – caused your recent injuries or damages, contact the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. for a free legal consultation. Our Grand Prairie truck accident attorneys may be able to help you fight for a fair settlement.

Why We Are the Right Law Firm for You

  • Our lawyers are not afraid to take a responsible party to trial in Texas to obtain maximum results, even if it is a powerful trucking company or insurance corporation. We will do what it takes to secure the compensation you need to recover.
  • Our truck accident lawyers have enough experience in this practice area to fully understand all related federal and state regulations. We can help you navigate the legal jargon and red tape surrounding your case.
  • Our attorneys aim to ease your stress and frustration during a difficult time by offering our law services on a contingency fee basis. Our Grand Prairie truck accident lawyers do not charge for representation unless they win.

How to Navigate a Truck Accident Claim

Truck accidents are not the same as car accidents. They involve different rules and laws, including safety regulations under the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. After a truck accident, your legal options may look different than after a typical car crash. You might have to fight for compensation against a trucking company rather than an individual driver. Even if the truck driver was at fault for your crash, the trucking company will be vicariously liable in most cases.

Hire a lawyer to represent you during a Grand Prairie truck accident claim. You can depend on your lawyer to navigate Texas’ truck accident laws and negotiate for full compensation for your losses. You can also trust your lawyer to listen to you, collect evidence, accurately estimate your losses, prepare confusing paperwork on your behalf, contact the defendant, build a strong claim and take care of many other case-related tasks for you. You can recover from your injuries in peace while your truck accident lawyer in Texas takes over the legal parts of your claim.

Common Truck Accident Causes and Injuries

Our lawyers have enough experience in truck accident litigation to understand the most frequent reasons these crashes happen. One of the main causes is truck driver error. Poor training, pressure from employers and negligence behind the wheel can all lead to harmful commercial truck accidents. We can get to the bottom of who or what caused your crash.

  • Distracted driving
  • Drowsy driving
  • Driving under the influence
  • Speeding or reckless driving
  • Broken federal regulations
  • Poor truck maintenance
  • Cargo shifts and truck rollovers
  • Defective parts
  • Tire blowouts
  • Lost cargo loads

It is up to those in the trucking industry to reasonably prevent accidents. They may be able to do so by following traffic laws, obeying industry best practices and being prudent in their operations. Truck accident survivors may have life-altering injuries such as complex bone fractures, neck and back injuries, internal organ damage, disabilities, brain damage, and more. If you suspect negligence played a role in your Grand Prairie truck accident, do not wait to speak to an attorney.

Contact Our Grand Prairie Truck Accident Lawyers

A catastrophic truck accident collision could cost a victim his or her life. If you have been in a serious truck accident in Grand Prairie, Texas or lost a loved one, please contact our attorneys for a free legal consultation. We may be able to help you achieve financial recovery. Call (214) 200-4878 today to schedule your meeting.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:59 pm

Grand Prairie Premises Liability Attorney | Slip and Fall Claims

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Slip and fall accidents are some of the most common reasons for hospital visits in Grand Prairie, Texas. Falls are especially dangerous for the vulnerable elderly population; however, a victim of any age could suffer serious injuries in a fall accident. At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, our premises liability lawyers can help if you have injuries or lost a loved one in a slip and fall accident. We understand these accidents and how to navigate them to secure maximum compensation from negligent property owners. Contact us today for a free legal consultation.

Why Retain Our Lawyers?

  • We have years of experience helping clients in slip and fall injury law cases.
  • We have a track record of satisfied clients and achieving positive settlements and verdicts.
  • We personalize our legal strategies according to each unique case and client.
  • We can go to trial in Texas if this is necessary for your claim.
  • We take Grand Prairie premises liability clients on a contingency fee basis.

How Do Texas Premises Liability Claims Work?

Premises liability law holds property owners in Texas to certain standards of care in the maintenance and safety of their properties. All property owners in Texas must treat invitees and licensees with due care, inspecting their properties for hazards, repairing defects, and posting warning signs to steer visitors and customers clear of known risks. If a property owner deviates from these duties, you might have a claim against him or her if you can prove certain elements.

  • You were lawfully on the premises. Property owners do not owe trespassers any legal duties of care. You must have had the property owner’s permission to be on the land to have a valid claim, in most cases. Exceptions exist for minors.
  • The property owner had knowledge of the defect or reasonably should have. Your lawyer must present evidence that a reasonable and prudent property owner would have noticed the defect sooner, such as testimony from an expert.
  • The property owner did nothing to fix the defect. Your lawyer also needs proof of negligence in the control or maintenance of the property. The landowner must not have done his or her duty to inspect the property or repair noticeable hazards.
  • You have an injury from the property defect. Finally, your lawyer must establish real and specific damages from the slip and fall accident. The defendant’s negligence must have given you injuries, hospital bills, lost wages or other damages.

Hiring a lawyer from the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. can improve your chances of acquiring enough evidence to meet your burden of proof during a premises liability claim in Grand Prairie. Your lawyer can revisit the scene of your slip and fall accident, collect evidence, review video footage, obtain copies of accident reports, hire experts and take other steps to help you successfully bring a cause of action.

Contact Us Today About Your Slip and Fall Claim

Slip and falls are a common cause of premises liability lawsuits in Grand Prairie. Slip and fall accidents can happen due to wet floors, spills, greasy surfaces, uneven floorboards, ripped carpeting, unstable stairs or inadequate lighting. Slip and fall accidents are not the only type of accident that can cause serious visitor injuries on someone else’s property, however.

  • Dog attacks
  • Swimming pool accidents
  • Daycare injuries
  • Exposure to toxic substances
  • Building collapses
  • Fires or floods
  • Negligent security

At the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C., we have the experience and resources to handle all types of premises liability lawsuits in Grand Prairie. No matter what types of injuries you have or the details of your accident, we can help you fight for fair financial reimbursement. Our slip and fall accident attorneys can answer your questions and review your legal options during a free consultation at our conveniently located law office. Schedule yours today.

Posted by Aaron Herbert at 1:56 pm