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Vehicle Fires

A car fire can result from almost any type of collision, but sometimes it’s not the accident at all that sparks the flames. Sometimes it’s a design flaw or manufacturing defect in the vehicle’s electrical system that causes the fire. Car fires can cause traumatic injuries such as severe burns and amputations, as well as wrongful death. Find out if you have grounds to bring a claim against a vehicle manufacturer for a car fire that caused your injuries or a loved one’s death in Dallas.

The vehicle defect lawyers at the Law Firm of Aaron A. Herbert, P.C. have years of experience handling complex claims against vehicle manufacturing companies. Our Dallas firm has gone up against major multinational companies in pursuit of compensation for our clients’ serious and debilitating injuries, including burns from car fires due to electrical defects. If you need legal assistance with your claim, speak with one of our attorneys today.

About Electrical Component Defects in Vehicles

Statistics gathered from 1995 to 2015 show that electrical problems were the fourth-most common type of vehicle defect, responsible for about 8.2% of all vehicle recalls. Electrical issues have become more common as high-tech vehicles hit the market, but that does not excuse manufacturers for creating cars with faulty and defective systems.

Manufacturers should take due care to design, produce, and distribute vehicles with safe and effective electrical systems. Otherwise preventable accidents, car fires, and even explosions could ensue. The following are some types of electrical defects that could cause car fires:

  • Defective, exposed, or loose electrical wiring
  • Bad battery cables or loose battery connection
  • Defective car battery
  • Missing or defective electrical fuses
  • Defective starters or ignition switches
  • Electrical system that’s prone to corrosion
  • Cracked or loose alternator belts
  • Defective spark plugs

Electrical defects can cause lights to flicker or malfunction. “Lights” was the number one type of vehicle defect on Statista’s list with 22%. Malfunctioning vehicle lights can leave drivers abruptly without headlights or brake lights, causing accidents. They can also cause sudden engine failure, disabled safety systems, burnt components, smoke, and fires. Manufacturers can cause electrical defects through design flaws, poor-quality parts, improper installation, and failure to properly test the safety of the system.

When Should You Hire an Attorney?

As the victim of a car fire, it’s your right to investigate whether an electrical defect is at the heart of your injuries. Do so with help from our Dallas attorneys. A product liability attorney can be a significant asset to you after any type of car accident, as he or she can investigate your crash and uncover evidence of defective or dangerous parts. Your lawyer can also negotiate higher insurance settlements on your behalf, as well as protect your rights in the face of insurance claims adjusters who may try to take advantage of crash victims. If you suffered catastrophic injuries or the death of a loved one in a car fire, however, retaining a lawyer is even more important.

Catastrophic injuries are those that inflict long-lasting harm on the victim, such as long-term or permanent pain, scarring, disfigurement, or disability. Burns from car fires are often catastrophic, causing third-degree burns and lifelong physical changes. Bad burns can require long hospital stays, surgeries, skin grafts, and lengthy recovery and rehabilitation times. The risk of infection is high with severe burns, as is the risk of amputation of infected or mangled limbs.

If this sounds like your recent injuries from a car fire, don’t hesitate to talk to our lawyers. Our initial client consultations are always free, so you have nothing to lose in getting our legal opinion. You could be eligible for significant compensation through a defective auto part product liability claim in Dallas. Call (214) 200-4878 to talk to an attorney today.

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Our Location

The Law Firm of
Aaron A. Herbert P.C.

8330 Lyndon B Johnson Fwy #700,
Dallas, TX 75243

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