San Antonio Personal Injury Lawyer

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How Much Is My San Antonio Personal Injury Claim Worth?

Posted in Personal Injury on June 6, 2022

You may not have to pay for your medical bills and other losses out of pocket if you did not cause your accident or injury. In San Antonio, you have the right to pursue financial compensation from the person who did cause your accident using a personal injury claim. One of the most frequently asked questions in personal injury law is, “How much is my claim worth in San Antonio?” The only way to get an accurate answer to this question is by asking an attorney. However, you can get an idea of the value of your claim by understanding how the Texas courts calculate damage awards.

What Damages Are Available?

How Much Is My San Antonio Personal Injury Claim Worth? 1
Antonio Car Accident Lawyers
The word damages in personal injury law refers to the financial compensation available for an injured victim’s losses. The point of a personal injury lawsuit is to make the victim whole again through financial compensation. When discussing damages with your lawyer, you will be referring to the money you may be able to receive from the at-fault party (defendant) through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. In Texas, you could recover compensation for several types of economic and noneconomic losses.
  • Medical expenses
  • Disability-related costs
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Pain and suffering
  • Legal fees
  • Travel costs
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Punitive damages
These are some examples of damages that could be available to you as an injured accident victim in San Antonio. This does not, however, mean that you will be eligible for all of these categories of losses; you will only receive compensation for the actual losses you suffered in the accident. It will be up to you to prove the losses you experienced due to a defendant’s negligence. You or your lawyer will need to show an insurance company, judge or jury that you suffered these losses using evidence such as medical bills, receipts, pay stubs and medical expert testimony. Without evidence of your losses, you may not receive fair financial compensation.

How Do the Courts Calculate Damage Awards?

Once you have a comprehensive list of the losses for which you are seeking compensation, you can gain an idea of how much your claim might be worth by calculating an award using the same techniques that will be used by the courts. A lawyer can help you with your calculation to make sure you ask for enough money in your insurance demand letter.
  • Economic damages. The courts calculate economic damages by adding up the actual expenses related to your accident, such as health care costs and lost wages. They will also take into account any future economic damages connected to a long-term injury.
  • Noneconomic damages. The value of noneconomic damages is entirely up to a jury. However, the jury may use a common calculation method, such as multiplying the total amount of economic damages by a number that represents the severity of your injuries.
It is impossible to accurately predict how much you will receive for a claim in Texas, as a lot of it is up to a jury’s discretion. Every client is unique, and awards are given on a case-by-case basis. The best way to obtain an accurate estimate is by asking an attorney for an estimate.

What Factors Can Affect Your Settlement?

An attorney in San Antonio can help you understand the potential value of your personal injury claim by analyzing common factors that affect payouts, such as:
  • Injury severity and extent
  • The length of time it will take you to recover
  • Whether your injury interferes with your ability to work
  • Your income before the accident
  • Your age and overall health
  • Physical pain and emotional distress
  • Liability for your injuries
  • The amount of insurance coverage available
  • Your comparative fault for the accident
With these facts in mind, your lawyer can give you a case estimate that comes close to the amount you actually receive, if any. An attorney will have the legal experience necessary to make this analysis. Consult with an attorney today for more information.